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  1. We will look into this issue. Meanwhile can you try to use "Auto-deployed agent" instead of "Agent-free connection"? In "Options-Scanner" select "Auto-deployed agent" and uncheck "Try another method". Don't be afraid of this method, because the file and service that is installed on the computers is removed afterwards, besides this method generates much less network traffic. Let us know the result. The scheduled scan will be implemented, but most likely after the final release, in one of the future updates.
  2. Hello Martin, We have contacted you by email concerning these two issues. Please reply by email. UPD: First issue fixed in 2.0.1. Second issue status unknown.
  3. Open the folder that's containing this host (right-click the folder and select "Show in Explorer") and find and unusually small INV file in it (or it may have empty name with extension only or something like that) and delete it manually.
  4. Yesterday we have released TNI 2.0 beta 5 (build 1025). Here is the list of changes: Added: User information fields in the table reports. Scanning of Program Files and Program Files (x86) on 64-bit systems. Settings for the limitation of maximum number of snapshots and maximum snapshot age ("Options - Scanner"). Logins can be edited right from the popup menu in the Scanner. Main menu items for managing storages. Network tree popup menu items "Import" (for importing INV and XML files) and "Reload" (for reloading current storage). Dropdown buttons on "Storage" and "Edit" tabs for quick selection of required submode. New network tree display options (domains, descriptions, user names, etc). German, Spanish and Italian localization. Improved: Stability and reliability of the SSH scan (Macs and Linuxes). Software accounting improved, simplified and fixed; software filters moved to the main toolbar; software properties moved to the sidebar. Many small things in the Scanner mode. New look & feel for the main toolbar, print preview, report refresh hint, report progress animation and search. New look & feel for logins, custom fields, snapshots and users editing. More detailed scan percentage when scanning Windows computers. Windows agent saves snapshots of the same computer to different files, while importing of snapshots to one file is fully delegated to the main module. Fixed: Logic of assigning logins to scan tasks (one login for single tasks, multiple logins for group tasks). Inheritance of logins is displayed with a tilde. Reporting of processes memory usage. Processing of disks with unspecified size on thin clients. Western European characters display in many places. "Skip existing devices" option. "No open ports" error. Many other fixes and improvements. What we would like to be mostly tested by you, current and prospective users of TNI, is software accounting and scanner (Mac OS X and Linux scan, Active Directory scan), but all other feedbacks are also welcomed.
  5. Thanks, we will look into this. No, not yet. Yes, upgrade to TNI 2.0 will be free for registered users. Do you mean the scan of computers or connecting to the domain controller and browsing the domain? Can you please send a couple of screenshots (before you click "Start scan" and after it)? You can do this by email.
  6. Mike, Thanks for reporting this. We are going to update the beta-version in a few days and we will contact you after this and ask you to make some tests with this updated beta if possible. We are looking forward to your feedback on this issue. Both issues were already fixed, and the fix will be applied in the next update of the beta version. UPD: These issues are fixed in beta 5 (build 1052) released on April 27.
  7. Hi Chris, In TNI 1.6 there is a possibility to enter only one login credentials for the current scan. But in TNI 2.0 you can enter as many as necessary, for example one for each of your domains. This is done in "Storage - Logins". Then in the Scanner tab you have three columns for logins for each of the supported protocols (Windows, SSH and SNMP). Add a domain, click on the arrow button in the Windows column and select the appropriate login from the dropdown menu. You can add multiple domains at once and specify different logins for each of them. It is also possible to specify more than one login for each protocol and each scan task (this may be useful in a workgroup or mixed environment). You can also add logins right from the same dropdown menu in the Scanner mode by clicking the "(+) Add" button.
  8. You need to run the Studio, connect to the root\SecurityCenter namespace on the local PC, get the instances of the AntiVirusProduct class and try to delete the faulty instance. I can't say if the result will be successful, but give it a try.
  9. Looking at the version number I can suppose that the first one is Jiangmin Antivirus. The second is obviously Microsoft Forefront Client Security. The software scans the Windows Security Center namespace for antivirus products. It is unreachable using default tools, but can be viewed using WMI CIM Studio. Though to remove the agent that reports the antivirus presence to the Windows Security Center you will probably need to find and uninstall the antivirus itself.
  10. .xmd is an extension for files which contain data for network devices scanned via SNMP protocol, and not Windows computers. There is no need to fix this. Unless it is actually a Windows PC with an SNMP agent installed, then you should either uninstall it, or provide correct credentials for scan (Windows can be scanned via SNMP only if it has SNMP agent installed and only if Windows scan methods failed due to access denied or other errors).
  11. Unfortunately there is no change tracking in the program yet. This feature will be added after the release of Total Network Inventory 2.0.
  12. Thanks, Hemo2, you have already sent some of them by e-mail, but here we have one new model also. Thanks again.
  13. Open the storage folder (right click the root group - "Show in Explorer") and copy the XML files from the old version into that folder. The program can be closed or running, no matter. It will detect the new files automatically and convert them to the new format. Custom fields will also be converted, however in this case all common custom fields will become special custom fields (specific to this computer only). The release version will have a possibility to convert the whole storage to the new format, in this case the common fields will be kept common.
  14. Unfortunately this may happen if you make a rescan using auto-deployed agent and the detected network name of a computer differs from the name displayed in the program (which is also the name of the XML file with computer's data). This obviously happens when you reach a computer via another network adapter. This will be fixed in TNI 2.0. A temporary solution would be to use only agent-free connection for scan ("File - Options - Connection method - Agent-free connection", and uncheck the option "Try another method"). Our apologies for the inconvenience.
  15. Hello Martin, We have sent you an e-mail with some instructions, as we would require some help from your to remedy this problem. As far as we can see, this is Red Hat EL4. We will test the scanned on this version and see what can be done.
  16. Hello Martin, Thank you for posting this bug report. This error really exists in both 1.6.8 and 2.0. It will be fixed in the next update of TNI 2.0 beta version.
  17. Hi Thrashie, 1) The current version of the program does not keep historical data. The next version (Total Network Inventory 2.0) will keep snapshots for each scan, and some time later we will add change tracking. 2) The next version will not be databased, but it also will not use XML files. The inventory information for each PC will be stored in custom compressed format. The snapshot of a computer with a pretty huge number of installed software and services (developer PC) will weight under 40 KB. Common office PC's snapshots will be about 20-30 KB. 3) There are plans for a web-based interface, but not in the version 2.0. 4) The phone support is available mostly during European business hours. As for emails, we cannot find any messages from the address specified in your profile, neither in the inboxes, nor in the spam folders. Please specify which online form you have used, have you specified the same email, and when have you sent the message. By the way, we have received your feedback sent using the TNI 2.0 beta version integrated feedback form. 5) TNI 2.0 is about to be released in 1-2 months.
  18. Today we are ready to extend Total Network Inventory 2.0 beta testing, so we welcome new potential TNI users as well as our current version users to take part in this testing. The program offers a possibility to send feedbacks using an integrated form, however you can leave your comments right here. We look forward to hearing from you. TNI 2.0 beta is available for download. Major highlights of Total Network Inventory 2.0: - Completely redesigned interface. - Improved reporting features. - Advanced network scanner with AD support. - Compressed data storage. - Mac OS X and Linux support. - Advanced software accounting. P.S. Please do not post bug reports here (that would require us to ask for more information from you), use email for this. Use this topic for discussion of new features, functionality questions, feedbacks and suggestions.
  19. 1) The latest version of TNI is 1.6.8. However the new version of Total Network Inventory 2.0 is about to be released soon. It is currently in the beta stage and the beta version can be downloaded here. 2) The main features of the current version (1.6.8) are described here. Major highlights of Total Network Inventory 2.0: - Completely redesigned interface. - Improved reporting features. - Advanced network scanner with AD support. - Compressed data storage. - Mac OS X and Linux support. - Advanced software accounting. 3) Machine model and serial number and asset tag of a computer are displayed in the "Computer/Motherboard" category. Serial number of a monitor is also collected. Serial numbers of other peripherals (printer, scanner, etc.) are not collected. 4) Current version of TNI supports only client and server Windows systems (2000 and newer, and also 98/NT with some restrictions). The version 2.0 will also be able to scan various Linux versions and Mac OS X. 5) If Total Network Monitor is installed correctly, it does not depend if it's trial version or not. It can be launched via "Tools - Run Total Network Monitor". However these programs are not integrated into each other except for the possibility to launch one from another.
  20. Hi Murali, Unfortunately it is not possible. We don't have a list of all freeware software existing in the world. However in the next version of the program (Total Network Inventory 2.0) you will be able to manually specify which software is freeware and which is commercial, then hide freeware software from the reports. You can check it with the beta version (look in the "Software accounting" tab).
  21. Currently it is not possible. Perhaps we will add such possibility in the future.
  22. Unfortunately no.
  23. I have just offered you how to get the machine SID from a user account SID.
  24. The Win32_NetworkAdapter WMI class used by the program to enumerate network adapters is documented to support FDDI interfaces among others, so I suppose it should show such adapters. Unfortunately we have no possibility to check this on practice.
  25. Currently this information is not included to the custom tabular reports, but it will be in the next version of the program.
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