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Everything posted by Support

  1. For all: the problem is arelady fixed in the latest scanner version.
  2. Hi Daron, I've replied by e-mail.
  3. The duplicates for ARES, CANBERRA and LYSANDER have merged together in our setup. Only COLT left with a duplicate. Try the following: open "Options - Scanner" and make sure that "Distinguish assets" is set to "By hardware". Then close TNI, open the storage root folder and find and delete all hidden files named ".folder" in this folder and all subfolders. Then run TNI again. This will force re-import and majority of duplicates should disappear. As to the COLT, you've mentioned that you are using logon script scan, but such duplicate with an FQDN cannot appear in this case, it's a result of unsuccessful online remote scan, where the MAC address was detected differently that the already scanned COLT has. So I suggest to remove the duplicate manually and see how it goes.
  4. Can you please send us the three .inv files for the CANBERRA asset? Also, have you deleted this particular asset? And all three appeared again? What about other duplicates? Do you have any duplicates that are both scanned assets? (i.e. none of them has a dimmed icon with a question mark - an icon of a non-scanned unknown asset).
  5. Bert, Please download an updated Linux agent from here, extract the archive to the program's installation directory (overwrite existing file), repeat the scan and let us know of the result.
  6. It's not available on the web-site. The change history is available in the program itself (Main menu - Help (?) - Check for updates) or in the file "history.txt" in the program's installation directory).
  7. I can't say exactly how long that may take. Currently we are releasing updates about twice a month. But we have many features on our to-do list, and while thorough SNMP scan is an important feature, it is not on the top of the list. So that may take several months.
  8. Your question was confusing. You asked about the field "Job count since last restart" — this field is only available when you scan a computer and there is a printer connected to it via LPT or USB (not standalone network printer). In this case there is no way to get its serial number. But if we talk about a printer that is connected to the network directly, there is a possibility to scan it via SNMP. Spiceworks does this more comprehensively than we do, so they are able to extract more information. But we are going to add support for deeper SNMP scan in the future. As to your second question, please refer to the user manual. The "view" for snapshots is on the "Viewer & reports" tab (on the screenshot it is called "View details", it's outdated a bit).
  9. Please send us the output from the command: ./tnilinagent -silent so that we know at which step it fails (it will show the percentage). Then please run the command: ./tnilinagent -silent -debug and send us the file that it generates (to support@softinventive.com).
  10. TNI finds any network equipment that has an IP address (printers, routers, etc), so switches that don't have an IP are not found. Is your last question about network printers or local shared printers (connected to computers)? Only the latter have the field "Job count". The serial number is not reported by the hardware, as to our knowledge, and WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) does not have such field for printers. The "Job count" field may be zero because it's updated not so often, but I'm not sure. We get all data from WMI. Yes, this is what snapshots are for - to look on historical data. You will be able to see the old value in the old snapshot. The number of nodes is the maximum number of assets that you can have in your storage at a time. A node is any asset that is present in the storage, either old or new. There is no change tracking and no email notifications yet. We plan to add such functions later.
  11. If the autogeneration of reports can replace the need to access the information directly, we would rather add a possibility to make scans and generate reports via scheduler than a possibility to export the information from .inv files. Scheduled scans and reporting is an important feature and it is already planned. Even if there was a possibility to export information from .inv files to XML or TXT, it still needs to be scheduled, right? To export the up-to-date information... So if we need to make scheduler anyway, it would better to allow to run reports at certain time.
  12. Hello Martín, It's not possible to use the information from .inv files right away. It is really in a special format. In general, it is possible to implement the export of this data to XML format. However, the data in the .inv files has completely different structure. XML files of the version 1.6.8 contained raw WMI data and processing was made on-the-fly, while INV files contain already processed information for simpler output, and it's not possible to restore the same amount of information (same as with lossy compression formats). It means that such XML file will have completely different structure (tag names, attributes, etc).
  13. Hello, First make sure that you have the latest version of TNI (Help - Check for updates). It should be 2.0.3 (build 1116). Then check the Windows Firewall, either disable it or allow "File and printer sharing" exception. As a last resort, try to disable the option "Scan ports" in "Options - Scanner".
  14. This is a behaviour by design. I think we will improve it in one of the next updates. Right-click a computer and choose "Delete", or choose "Show in Explorer" and delete the .inv file manually. This should work as long as you have enough permissions on the files and folders involved.
  15. Hello Martín, After a quick googling of this question, I can tell you that this is a non-trivial task and it's almost non-solvable without previous editing of the .vmx file. So, for the moment the answer is NO, unfortunately. P.S. We have sent you a couple of emails concerning the Linux scanning a while ago, but haven't received any reply. Can you please respond to them?
  16. Hi Daron, Yes, we did get the file, but we're still investigating. Sorry for the delay, we have to continue ongoing development in parallel with other issues.
  17. We have tried to collect all possible cases in our FAQ here. One other cause that is not mentioned is that administrative shared resources may be disabled (registry key "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters", AutoShareServer and AutoShareWks DWORD parameters set to zero).
  18. Hi Patrick, There is a connection between *.inv files and .folder files — the latter being the cache for some primary data from *.inv files. ".software" file holds the software database for the Software accounting. It is so, and it's required to find all new files and remove all records which files were deleted. That's possible, but it would be more correct to solve this issue using the newly added option to distinguish assets by network name and domain instead of hardware (MAC, etc).
  19. Hello, Patrick. Please try to open "\\pc\admin$" in Explorer. Does it work?
  20. Yes, sure we do. But the work is still in progress. I think this feature may be added in version 2.1 or 2.2. Currently we are working on the software accounting and after that will engage with the change tracking.
  21. We will return to the issue of duplicated computers in the nearest days. Thanks for the idea with SQL data sources, we will try to add them in the future updates.
  22. ¿Qué mensaje de error que te pones?
  23. It goes through all assets, sets the asset serial number to the correct value retrieved from the latest snapshot using updated algorithm (to address the issue with Lenovo and some other systems which have serial number in BIOS information only, and not in Chassis information) and also clears the junk values such as "System Serial Number", "To Be Filled By O.E.M", "SYS-1234567890", etc. This affects the serial numbers that you see in the network tree (tree display options - additional field), and in the table reports (asset fields). Unfortunately not yet, but we are going to return to this issue in the nearest days.
  24. Hemo2, Thanks for the exact and correct explanation, though there is another issue with VBS syntax. jdavis, tniwinagent.exe really doesn't use tniaudit.ini file anymore. Everything is done via command-line options. But the problem is in VBS syntax. You have omitted spaces that should separate command-line parameters and also misused the quotes in the path parameter. What you try to run currently looks like this (if we expand quotes): "\\ris-server\c$\TNI\Logon\TNi2\tniwinagent.exe"/scripted/path: (the command is truncated because the quotes embracing the path must be escaped exactly like in the EXE path, or not used at all, as there are no spaces in the path. You can even see the incorrect usage of quotes in your own post with the syntax highlighting this forum engine provides. The correct line should look like this: wshShell.Run """\\ris-server\c$\TNI\Logon\TNi2\tniwinagent.exe""" & " /scripted" & " /path:\\ris-server\c$\TNI\Data" or this: wshShell.Run """\\ris-server\c$\TNI\Logon\TNi2\tniwinagent.exe"" /scripted /path:\\ris-server\c$\TNI\Data" You can find more information for settings up logon script scan in our user manual here.
  25. Hi Dan, Yes, there is really such issue. The English locale uses the US date and time formats. It influences not only BIOS release date, but all dates in the program. It's not possible to change it that easy, but in the next update we will add a separate en-gb locale for UK with this issue sorted.
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