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Everything posted by Support

  1. Please download this file, unpack the archive and copy the file "tni.exe" to the program's installation directory, then run the program. You will find the field "Computer type" in the custom tabular reports ("Options - Tab reports"). Por favor, descargue este archivo, descomprimimos el archivo y copie el archivo "tni.exe" en el directorio de instalación del programa, a continuación, ejecutar el programa. Encontrará el campo "Computer type" en la costumbre de los informes tabulares ("Opciones - Informe Tab.").
  2. TNI detects antiviruses using their Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface. It is possible that it was not set up properly on these computers. However if all the computers are set up in the same way (both the Security Center settings and antivirus deployment), unfortunately I'm not able to locate the reason for this. You can use the following script (run it locally on one of the problematic computers) to see if the antivirus is really registered in WMI or not. Copy this code to a text file, give it a "vbs" extension and run: Set wbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\SecurityCenter") Set wbemObjectSet = wbemServices.InstancesOf("AntiVirusProduct") For Each wbemObject In wbemObjectSet WScript.Echo "Antivirus name: " & wbemObject.displayName Next
  3. Is this antivirus displayed properly in Windows Security Center on those computers? If not, TNI is not able to detect it.
  4. Installing a new version into the same folder is updating exactly. There is no other specific updating process. To reset the options it's necessary to close the program and delete "config.ini" file which is located (in Windows 7) in the "Compatibility files" folder for the program's installation folder, which can be for example: :\Users\\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Total Network Inventory Or you can just change the parameter "datapath" in this INI file.
  5. We're glad that it works fine for Windows XP. As for Windows 7, Microsoft has changed the way antiviruses should report their status, and we will add full support for this in the new version of the program.
  6. Upgrade to the new version will be free, no need to purchase a new license key. Purchased licenses are lifetime and never timeout. The options which are grayed out are not availabe in the current full version (that is "open", "save", "print", and "scale" for tabular reports). Printing of tabular reports will be implemented in the next version. Options which just say that this is unavailable in the demo version, of course they are available in the current full version (that is "open", "save", "print", and "scale" for printable reports). For tabular reports, only export to CSV is available in the current full version. Export of printable reports is available to many other formats ("Select mode - Full/Brief reports"). Printing of tabular reports will be implemented in the next version as already mentioned, probably as well as their export directly to Excel.
  7. It will be possible to implement in the next version, along with browsing the domain OU structure.
  8. It is exactly what it does at the moment, just in not so pretty visual form. The new version is currently under active development and is approaching its final stage. My estimate would be a couple of months.
  9. Open the report "Reports - [Tabular reports] - Software reports - Software and licenses", right-click the necessary software title and select "Show/Copy computers which have this software". This is a temporary solution, the next version will have this possibility in the form of normal tabular report (instead of message box or just copying to the clipboard).
  10. We will check this issue once again, and probably will be able to provide a fix in the next update.
  11. Please send this file to our email: support@softinventive.com
  12. Do you have Windows Security Center enabled on that computer? Is this antivirus displayed there?
  13. aseadmin, What type of product do you have exactly? For example: Kaspersky Work Space Security, or Kaspersky Antivirus, or Internet Security, etc.
  14. Detection of antiviruses is not supported on server systems. You can find more information in our FAQ: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/faq/program-usage-questions/#No-antivirus-installed As for the other systems, it is possible that the antivirus does not support reporting of its status via WMI. Can you please check if this antivirus is displayed in the Windows Security Center (for example on Windows XP SP3)?
  15. The new version which will allow us to add the scheduling functions is still in development. Unfortunately it is not possible to add scheduling to the current version (1.6.x).
  16. As I have mentioned, currently we don't have a solution to this issue. We are working on this. As soon as a solution is found, an update will be released and this topic will be updated.
  17. Microsoft has changed the way the license keys are stored in the registry for some systems starting with Vista, depending on the type of license key and activation. This problem happens only with Windows Vista and 7 systems which are activated using Multiple Activation Keys (MAK), previously named Volume License Keys (VLK), either through a local Key Management Server (KMS), or directly in communication with Microsoft. Currently we have no solution to this issue. You can try to use Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic tool to extract the license key for the systems affected by this issue.
  18. Please provide us with the information on the affected computers: Windows version and antivirus title and version.
  19. Hello Marianne, What exactly does it report? We have not encountered such issue. Please send a screenshot to our email: support@softinventive.com
  20. Thank you for the information. We will check this again and try to fix this in the nearest update.
  21. By physical removal I have meant that this particular computer was removed from your network (decommissioned, upgraded, substituted by a newer one, whatever). So by "old information" we understand a computer that no longer exists on the network. Thus if you don't need to store inventory information about such computer, then you should delete it's record from TNI (right click and select "Delete"). There is no other way. Or, as I have mentioned, you can choose to keep it, but don't include it to the reports by unchecking it and rebuilding the report (you can move it to a separate group for convenience).
  22. Hello Shaq, Unfortunately I can't understand exactly what you mean. What do you mean by "Computer DomainName", "domain name computers", etc. You are mixing the terms and it's not clear. What is "123Apple" and what is "123Orange"? Domains? Computers? Users? You say "another new user on the same computer", and then you say that these are separate computers. So I can answer your questions only in general. It is not scanning it. It just holds the old information. Nothing is removed from database automatically, only new information is added. Yes, if you have removed the computer physically, you need to delete its record from TNI. In general view you can see the information for only one computer at a time, so it's not a problem. When running the reports, you can select for which computers to run them by selecting them with checkboxes. Uncheck the computer that you don't want to include to the reports and that's all.
  23. That means open the "Options" window (either in main menu "File - Options" or just click "Options" on the main toolbar), and then open the "Connection" tab in the options window. There you will see the settings that I've mentioned.
  24. Do you use domain group policy for firewall? Then you need to make these changes in that policy. Also run "gpupdate /force" on the clients to update the policy right now. Also try to enable "File and Printer Sharing" in the firewall, then go to "Options - Connection", select "Auto-deployed agent method (SMB)" and uncheck the option "Try another method if selected fails".
  25. Yes, I confirm this.
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