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Everything posted by Support

  1. Hi Marius, TNI does show available memory slots if they are empty (in "System details" and "System memory"). Though the correctness of this information depends on the motherboard and BIOS. We are planning to improve the reliability of this information in the future releases.
  2. Yes, this feature is going to be implemented. Unfortunately I cannot tell exactly when it will be available.
  3. The scanners/webcams that you see in "Viewer & reports" under "Imaging devices" section are listed in the "Devices" category (on the right sidebar) which represents all devices found on a computer (just as the Device Manager). However the "Scanners" object of report (in Table reports template constructor) belongs to the "Peripheral devices" category (which shows only some specific devices with more properties collected) and is actually not available for Windows assets at the moment (MacOS X only). To see the scanners/webcams in the table report you should build the template for the "Windows device" object of report, add necessary fields and add a condition for the field "Class name": Class name equals "Image".
  4. Hi Jeff, Are you using AD or Samba-based domain? Does this computer have dynamic IP address? What is the correct FQDN for this computer? Can you ping it from CMD by FQDN? (fully-qualified domain name)
  5. The network devices that support SNMP and can be scanned by TNI are counted as licensed nodes. Otherwise they are added as non-scanned assets which are non-licensed nodes, and you can have any number of them.
  6. Hi, thanks for reminding us of this issue. We have now fixed it and the fix will be available in the next update. The program will show two time zones (the one set in control panel and the current one, which might include DST bias), as well as whether auto-adjust for DST is enabled (control panel setting) and whether DST is in effect now.
  7. We have added the discovery of all Internet Plug-Ins in the Libraries directory. They will be available with the next update of the program.
  8. You need to install libstdc++.so.6 to this system. It is required for the program to run and it's specified in the documentation. This seems like a problem of parsing the file "/etc/passwd". Please send us this file for analysis to support@softinventive.com
  9. Currently the program doesn't do this. However it's possible to retrieve some information about this plugin. But I'm wondering what would you like to see more in the program: hard-coded solution for this particular plugin only, or a list of all libraries/plugins, or a customizable possibility to scan for any file/plugin existance and version?
  10. Unfortunately, no. TNI is not able to discover network devices without IP address.
  11. Please download the updated Linux scanner and unpack the archive to the program's installation directory (overwrite existing file). Then try to scan your Linuxes again. Les us know the results.
  12. The following information is retrieved via SNMP: General: Network name IP address MAC address System: Name Description Contact Object ID Uptime Services Network interfaces information: MAC address Manufacturer Interface type Speed MTU Admin and Oper state
  13. This error message explicitly says what may be wrong. Either the SNMP community is incorrect (your phones may be using something other than "public") or they don't support SNMP at all. P.S. SNMP community string is a "password" for remote access to network devices that support SNMP.
  14. Can you please explain what do you mean? End user is a user of a computer in your organization, or a whole third-party organization (your client)?
  15. It's possible to scan any IP device in your subnet and even if it doesn't support any protocol (SMB, SSH, SNMP), it will be recorded with the network name, IP address and MAC address. IP phones that have SNMP support can be also scanned via SNMP for some more details. Try it yourself, as you have already installed the trial version.
  16. Please send us the debug scans of these Macs. We have sent you the instructions by e-mail.
  17. Don't forget to use the search box for the available fields in the report constructor window ;)
  18. Hi Keith, Yes, it is possible, please refer to our user manual (see "Importing and exporting").
  19. We already scan this registry value and this field can be found under "Software - OS information - Operating system - Internet Explorer version". Similarly it can be seen in on-screen reports in "Viewer & reports - Software - OS information".
  20. The registration information is kept separately from configuration, and does not influence one another. The directories under Program Files and under ProgramData is everything that can be removed for complete uninstallation. Check that you have the option "Check the online status of assets periodically" enabled in "Options - General". What are the operating systems where it works and where it doesn't?
  21. You have sent us a file from some other Windows computer, I have contacted you by e-mail, please send the correct file.
  22. Please refer to our user manual.
  23. Please send us a debug scan of this Mac. We have sent you the instructions by e-mail.
  24. Well, change log and blog contain a bit different information, and there are no records in the blog for the older versions, but in general you are right.
  25. The "Privileges" field that states "Administrator" or "User" is the base priviledge, i.e. base type of account. A user may be in local administrators group on this or that PC, but it's still a user in general, not administrator. For the purpose that you describe we have already tried to add a "Group membership" field for user accounts. But it appeared that the collection of group-user relationships is causing high load on the domain controllers and is leading to inappropriate increasing of scan time. So we were forced to disable this possibility until a resolution is found. EDIT: This is my 500th post here :)
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