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  1. Hi Janet, The previous reply by Alex was correct, but it relates to Windows only. For OS X software, TNI does not collect any keys. Besides, as to our knowledge, the Office for Mac keys are stored encrypted and are not possible to retrieve.
  2. Hi Matthias, Just in case, there is a topic in the documentation regarding the software items merging: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/user-manual/software-asset-management/software-management/merging-software-items/ As for the second mentioned problem, we suggest creating different licenses for different type of keys. Only put the keys that have the same number of activated copies into the same license (because each of the keys in the same license is treated to have the same specified number of activations). This should work because it is possible to assign more than one license to the same software item (and this software itme should be a merged collection of minor versions).
  3. Hi mviel, As specified before, unfortunately there is no predesigned way to disable SMB scan (agent/service) on specific computers or even completely. So the only way is to delete or rename the "tniwinagent.exe" file in the TNI installation directory. After this you will receive a warning (not an error) in the scanner log that this file is missing and that the program falls back to the RPC method. This message does not prevent the program to scan by RPC, it is by design. But make sure that the option "Disable RPC protocol for scanning of Windows systems" is unchecked in "Options - Scanner", otherwise you are technically disabling both methods and it will not scan Windows at all.
  4. Brian, Understood, thanks for the update.
  5. Hello, Yes, you asked about Mac agent and we replied about it. If you run it from the console, generally you would need to type: chmod 755 tnimacagent ./tnimacagent -silent First command assigns an executable mask to the file. Second command runs the scan itself omitting the confirmation.
  6. Hello, Unfortunately the Windows Sheduled Tasks are not collected yet. We are going to add such ability in the future versions.
  7. mikeh, There is an answer to your question in the documentation: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/techpaper/scanning-microsoft-windows-assets/ Agent-free scan method (RPC protocol) uses only WMI, while agent scan method (SMB protocol) uses WMI, Windows API, and a temporarily installed driver to collect most detailed and accurate information that is not possible to collect using WMI only. Besides, agent method generates less network traffic, apart from uploading the agent itself. However, we are going to add an option to keep the agent on remote computers to save traffic on subsequent scans.
  8. I just mentioned that it is not possible to use both these approaches at once, so why do you try to do this? It will not work, it will not be able to scan Windows at all. You should EITHER check the option to disable RPC protocol (which actually disables the agent-free scan and thus makes it use agent service scan only), OR rename tniwinagent.exe so that the program could not use the agent service scan. But not both.
  9. Unfortunately it is not possible to use agent and agent-free approaches at the same time on different target machines. For example, to use only agent (service) scan, you would go to "Options - Scanner" and enable the option "Disable the RPC protocol for scanning of Windows computers". To use only agent-free (WMI) scan, you would need to rename or remove the file "tniwinagent.exe" in the program's installation directory. But it's not possible to use both these approaches simultaneously, or specify which one should be used on which computers. Perhaps we can add such possibility in the future. Take note that the agent-free WMI scan collects more information than the SNMP scan (besides the fact that SNMP-collected information is not structured), and the agent (service) scan collects more information than the agent-free WMI scan (like disk drives S.M.A.R.T. data, memory modules SPD data, etc). So the agent scan is recommended, and should not cause any problems.
  10. Hello, Though it is possible to scan Windows systems via SNMP, we have not worked out this approach too deeply. You can enable "Full SNMP scan" in "Options - SNMP", scan the system, and then you will be able to see all collected information in "Viewer & reports - SNMP tree", but it won't be broken down by categories as if it was scanned with our agent (service) or even agent-free (via WMI). Such asset (scanned via SNMP) won't be treated as Windows system by the program, it will be treated as a generic network device. We have not been reported any problems with scanning servers with our agent (service), so it is safe to use such scan option.
  11. Hi Karel, Very easy, just add the following to your command line: /COMPONENTS="nmap" By the way, there is also a quick launch icon which you might want to disable: /MERGETASKS="!desktopicon,!quicklaunchicon"
  12. The default limitation of snapshot lifetime of 90 days is exactly 3 months that you need, so you can leave it. However, the maximum number of 10 snapshots may not be enough, so you could increase it to 100, for example. This will allow to have 1 snapshot per day and keep all changes for the last 3 months. Everything that is older will be gradually removed as the time passes by.
  13. Hello, It is described in documentation: the change log concept and snapshots auto-deleting policy. By default the oldest snapshot is always kept, and 9 newest snapshots are kept (total of 10). Also the snapshots are deleted after 90 days (not automatically, but during the rescan). This means if you don't rescan anything, no snapshots will be deleted. You can change these settings in "Options - Scanner". With the oldest snapshot always there, you can always get the changes from the very beginning. Though there may be too many of them. For example, you can disable the snapshots deletion. If you scan assets frequently, there may be many snapshots. Then you can delete unnecessary snapshots manually in "Edit - Snapshots". For example, you can leave only one snapshot per month as reference points.
  14. Unfortunately there is no such possibility at the moment. It's possible that it will be added in the future versions.
  15. Hello, The docs are not only for Windows PCs. You can find information about scanning Unix-based assets and other network assets (via SNMP and Telnet). It is possible that the Cisco switch does not support SNMP v.1 which is supported by TNI (for example, it may support SNMP v.3 only). Or it may be necessary to specify correct SNMP community in the Scanner.
  16. Our apologies for the delay with replies. ekag_it, thank you for the feedback. dortiz, please update to the latest version (3.1.4 build 1800 as of today) and check if the problem is resolved. Thank you.
  17. To everyone: please update to the latest version 3.1.4 released today. It should fix the problem. Let us know the results. Jochen: installation of tniwinagent is not connected to Nmap in the installer, but it may have been deleted by TNI itself earlier (the error which has been fixed in 3.1.4).
  18. It seems like incorrect program behaviour. Please reinstall the program once again, so that tniwinagent.exe is there. Then download the updated main program executable to the installation directory (overwrite existing file). Run it and run the scan again, and check if tniwinagent.exe is still there. Let us know if it fixes the problem. Thanks.
  19. Hello, Please try to install the latest version of the program once again (on top of existing installation). Let us know if this helps.
  20. Hello, Sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, you have to restore the whole database because custom field’s data is stored for each asset in it’s own INV-file. They are also duplicated in hidden “.folder” files, but they are used for caching only and restoring them isn’t enough. The feature of confirmation of the delete action for custom fields will be added in the nearest update.
  21. Hello, Please refer to our FAQ: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/faq/scan-questions/#Access-is-denied
  22. Hello, Unfortunately it's not possible at the moment: TNI must be open for the auto-import or scan scheduler to work. We are going to add such possibilities that you mention in the future versions.
  23. Hi, Have you tried the latest version 3.1.1 released on July 14? Does the problem persist?
  24. That's completely obvious, how would you get a name of a logged in user by simple ping? Of course you need to scan a computer :)
  25. Start off the Microsoft licenses standard table report. Copy it and add other required fields. For example, add a condition for the Title field to contain "Office" (to exclude Windows). There is an unsolved problem with MS Office 2013 right now, we are still struggling with it. MS is making it harder with each new version.
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