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Everything posted by Support

  1. Our software can recognize all antiviruses and firewalls (in Windows XP SP2/SP3 and Windows Vista) and antispyware (only in Windows Vista) that support Windows Security Center, that is if they are displayed by Security Center. The vendors of antivirus (firewall and antispyware) software should provide this support from their side, because they have to publish the product information and status to the system in a special way. Otherwise neither our product, nor Windows itself can recognize such software (in this case Windows Security Center should usually generate a message from time to time that the computer is not protected by antivirus). Unfortunately this may not work on Windows 2000 (Professional and Server) and earlier and also on Server 2003 and Server 2008 systems, because they don't have Security Center, that is they don't provide an interface for the antivirus/firewall products to publish their status to the system and thus to other third-party applications. We are going to add support for direct detection of the most popular antivirus products without Security Center interface in the future versions of our program.
  2. Unfortunately detection of antiviruses is not possible for Server 2003, because it does not provide appropriate interface for the antivirus products to publish their information which is used by Security Center (which is also not available on this OS) and our program to detect them.
  3. Yes, sure.
  4. What is the operating system on the server? Does it have "Windows Security Center"? If so, is your antivirus reported there?
  5. No, this should not cause any issues. The agent scanning (as well as agent-free one) is transparent for the user, there can only be a slight degrade in computer's performance during the scan. The user is not logged off or anything like that, so you can make the scan during the users work.
  6. No, currently there is no such way. However you can add any asset that is logically attached to a scanned computer using custom fields. It is discussed in this topic: Tracking non-network devices
  7. Yes, it will be possible in the next version.
  8. Ok, thanks. And under those significant changes I meant 1.7.0.
  9. Well, let us not reveal all the cards for now :)
  10. Hi Alex, Well, there are some significant changes coming which we need to finish, so we can't start implementing this at once. I think this feature can appear in 1-2 months.
  11. Hi Paul, No, unfortunately not yet.
  12. I can only suggest that this is WMI error, and you can try to recompile WMI database on the computer which shows this error. Search Google for "wmi generic failure" or "wmi initialization failure", there are some useful advices on pcreview.co.uk in the top of search results.
  13. Please send an email to support@softinventive.com with a screenshot.
  14. I don't think he will answer :)
  15. Temporarily disabled because of spam. Yes, we are going to implement collection of product keys for various products including Adobe products in the future versions. Obviously this happens sometimes with 32bit systems also. I suggest that try some third-party tool dedicated to extraction of product keys to see if it is also affected by this.
  16. Have you tried the latest release 1.6.5 (build 1875)? There were some optimizations made and we have received feedback from users that scanning is faster with the new version.
  17. Yes, I see what you mean. We can even add 4 variables for all octets of the IP address (possibly somebody would find a use for them), and predefined values for the type of the asset (desktop, laptop, server and so on) which can be changed (e.g. DT, LT, SR...). And as I understand, the counter should be unique throughout the network, so you don't have for example: 01_DT_001 and 02_DT_001; but instead: 01_DT_001 and 02_DT_002. Have I got your idea right?
  18. We are currently optimizing present storage format, so development of SQL storage is delayed. We have not chosen it from the beginning for the sake of deployment simplicity and portability. I think that export to SQL will be implemented earlier, while actual SQL storage - later. Exact period of implementation is currently undetermined.
  19. I'm not a frequent user of this feature, so actual users are welcomed to post their comments. But here are some hints. Usually scan with standalone tool takes less than a minute or even about 20-30 seconds, depending on configuration, number of installed software/components and current load of PC. Subsequent scans can go quicker only if you make then in a row by manually launching the tool again and again (this has much to do with Windows file caching and prefetching). But if the subsequent scan takes place after reboot and logon, it usually takes the same time. User login time is almost not affected, because when you launch the tool in the following way: start \\server\path\tniaudit.exe /scripted it starts working in background while logon script continues its work, and if there are no commands after this one, command window disappears and normal logon process continues. Besides, by setting the parameter "scandelay" in the tniaudit.ini file you can control the time which the program waits in background without starting the actual scan, so that various autorun programs can start without interference. It is now set in seconds, so you can set it, for example to 60 or 180 (default value, 3 minutes). There is one known issue: while the tool is waiting for "scandelay" period and the user logs off, the program cannot terminate and "Close hanging program" window appears. So the scandelay period should not be too long. Normally users are not expected to log off immediately after logon, but everything happens. This issue will be fixed soon.
  20. Hi Ari, The sorting issue has been fixed in build 1875 which is already available for download. As for the templates for inventory numbers, %computernumber% is okay, but it's hard to see how can we automatically assign values for %yard% or %computertype%. Could you explain a bit on what did you mean about text document and reading from it?
  21. Yes, next version (probably this will be 1.7.0) will have such feature. We hope to release in the end of September.
  22. Unfortunately this was missed out, but we will add this on the next week.
  23. Hello, Open "Options - Inventory" and make sure that "Processor details" category is selected for scan. Then scan all computers via Scan Wizard. Then make sure that you can see that information in general view mode (selecting a computer and viewing "Processor details" category). Then run a custom report with fields "Computer name" and "CPU clock speed". This should work.
  24. Hi Alex, I can't say for sure when that will be possible, but hopefully that will not take too long.
  25. The next version is going to be released on the following week.
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