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Everything posted by Support

  1. I suggest to use domain logon script scan: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/user-manual/scanning-using-agents/logon-script-scan/
  2. Have you tried to enable (or disable, if it's enabled) the Nmap engine? It can be done either on the Scanner tab or in the "Options - Scanner" window. This influences the way the network discovery is made. Do these servers reply to pings normally?
  3. Hi Craig, We've replied to the e-mail.
  4. Our program retrieves all the information from WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), a Windows system service. Unfortunately in the previous versions of Windows it doesn't provide as much information as in the later versions. In particular, this relates to the core count. The appropriate fields are simply absent in WinServer2003, WinXP and Win2000 (source).
  5. Hi Craig, Actually nobody has reported anything similar. We also have no problems printing the reports. Can you please send us the report template you are using and the screenshots (or PDFs) of the results that you get? (to support@softinventive.com)
  6. No problem. All of this is stored in the software database which is in the ".software" hidden file in the storage root folder.
  7. Hi Craig, What have you chosen as the object of report in the report constructor? If the object of report is not "Asset", then each asset may appear multiple times (rows), because each row corresponds to an item of the selected type (e.g. Monitor, Software item, etc). If you choose "Asset" as an object of report, each asset should appear only once (one row per asset).
  8. Yes, you need to move the settings directory. Please refer to this FAQ section concerning this issue. Basically you would need to copy the "Total Network Inventory 2" folder from the AppData location and overwrite the same folder on the new workstation with this data.
  9. Perhaps the reason is the following. If you choose "Asset" as an object of report (in the report constructor) and are getting all services in one table cell, conditions will not work this way. They cannot filter inside table cells. You should choose "Service" as an object of report. This way each service item will be represented on a separate table row, and filtering conditions will work.
  10. Hi Karel, You can find the parameters of the installer and uninstaller in the Inno Setup documentation: http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=setupcmdline http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=uninstcmdline Indeed, /SILENT and /VERYSILENT can be used, as well as /MERGETASKS. 1. Yes, "quicklaunchicon" is the task name for the Quick Launch icon. 2. Unfortunately it's not possible to deactivate the feedback message box using these command-line switches. It is custom-made and does not rely on these switches. That's something we need to fix. P.S. Why do you need unattended setup and uninstallation of TNI? It is not meant to be mass-installed on each computer...
  11. Hi Hemo2, 1. Unfortunately there is no way to disable auto-check for updates at the moment. We will add it in the next update I think. 2. You're right, that would be a helpful feature. We are going to add it soon as well.
  12. Yes, it's likely that the issue has been caused by exceeding the assets limitation. Unfortunately there is no way to exclude specific devices from the scan. But it's possible to add specific IP addresses as exceptions to the scanner and save them for future scans: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/user-manual/network-scanning/adding-scan-tasks/ By the way, devices which cannot be scanned by any of the protocols (including SNMP) do not take up license slots, there can be unlimited number of them (so called non-scanned and custom assets; you can see their number on the status bar under the network tree). P.S. You can send an inquiry to extend your trial period here. P.P.S. You can follow the topics on the forum to get notifications about replies to your email.
  13. Hi Ally, In "Options - Scanner" there is a setting "Distinguish assets" which has two options: by hardware (MAC, UUID and serial number) or by network name and domain. If you choose the first option (default), renaming a computer will not cause any duplicates, because all hardware parameters remain the same. The second option is for those cases when you have a strict naming scheme and you're upgrading a computer for a user, leaving the same network name, and want the new computer snapshot to be merged into the same asset record. I hope I managed to answer your question this way.
  14. What is the problem?
  15. Try to disable the option "Use Nmap engine" in "Options - Scanner". Let us know if this helps. If you would like to use this new engine anyway, please contact us for further support using our support email.
  16. Yes, you're right, that would create duplicates. But are these files imported normally if you use manual import (using the context menus of the groups or "Storage" main menu)?
  17. Hi, No, import process is able both to update existing and create new records, of course. This issue seems to be related to hardware similarity detection (the program uses some hardware identifiers to distinguish new unique assets from existing assets). In "Options - Scanner" there is an option "Distinguish assets" which defaults to "By hardware". Try to set it to "By network name and domain" (provided that your computer names don't duplicate) and try the import again and see if it helps.
  18. Currently it's not possible, but we are considering to implement such possibility in the future.
  19. There is no solution to this problem. When a MAK or KMS key is used, the full key is not stored in the registry at all. The only possibility is to extract the partial key (last 5 characters) which will be done in the next version of the program.
  20. Thanks for the idea, we will consider it for the future versions of the program.
  21. Please send us the following information for analysis to support@softinventive.com: 1. Three files with scan results for three different switches. 2. Three files with scan results for three different thin clients (D525 - nettops?). You can generate them this way: scan the first switch, right-click it's record in the left panel and choose "Show in Explorer". It will show you a file with INV extension. This is the file we need. Then delete it in the program, scan the second one, open, copy somewhere, delete again, scan the third. Then do the same for the nettops. We will analyze the files, because we need to see more than you show on the screenshots, and probably make necessary fixes. Thank you.
  22. I'm afraid WMI classes for network adapters don't contain such information, thus TNI cannot display it.
  23. Please report this to support@softinventive.com and send us a screenshot of the device manager for this PC (with monitors section expanded) and the inventory file for this PC (right-click on it in the program and choose "Show in Explorer" to find it - it's the file with "INV" extension).
  24. Unfortunately no. We will continue working on it only after releasing of the new version of software accounting mode which occupies all our resources at the moment.
  25. The installation on another server is not related to the previous server in any way. There is no specific uninstallation procedure apart from the standard one. The license allows multiple installations, so that's not the issue of licensing at all. Just make sure that you are using the correct installer and that you are entering the registration name (mandatory) and key correctly.
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