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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Hi khsup,

    You can schedule several scan tasks (for example, to scan your network every hour) and activate the “Skip existing assets if they were scanned less than X hours ago” option in Options – Scanner – General scan settings.

    In this case, TNI will skip all assets that have been scanned recently and you will acquire information on new assets.

  2. Hi Joe,

    This happens because TNI 3 detects the old TNI 2 database in the storage folder. If this database is outdated, then there is no need in importing it now. Simply use the “Update software database” button to rebuild the database in accordance with your current storage.

    If you don’t want to import the database from TNI 2 and you’d like to remove this notification, then you need to move or delete the “.software” file from your storage folder. Make sure to leave the “.software.db” file though. Please note that both these files are hidden.

  3. On 11/11/2016 at 2:59 PM, zcornett said:

    This has been happening to us for quite some time now.  We store our inventory files on a network share so everyone can access them.  Yesterday I created a new storage on my local hard drive.  TNI has been running fine since so I believe the issue is TNI accessing a network shared storage.


    Thanks for your message.

    You are right. The program does not provide any special mechanisms for simultaneous operation (simultaneous editing in particular). Therefore, while all users can read the information from the same storage, only one user should edit it to avoid critical errors. I hope that we’ll be able to improve this aspect in the future.

  4. We have reported this behavior to the development team. It should be fixed in one of the future updates.

    Meanwhile, we recommend using the Storage > Import method. Alternatively, you can try giving the program a minute to reload the storage after you run it and before pressing F5.

  5. Dear Stanley,

    Thanks for your message.

    Please check if the same problem occurs when you import the *.inv files using the program interface (Storage-Import files…).
    It seems that if you move the INV files manually and then quickly refresh the report page while the new files are being processed in your storage, the program crashes. We have reported this behavior to the development team.

  6. Hello,

    Thanks for your message.

    First, please verify that there's enough free disk space on the disk where the storage is located.

    In addition, please check in Task Manager how much memory does the tni.exe process take.
    If it's more than 1 GB, then try to enable the "Disable the RPC protocol for scanning of Windows computers" option in Options - Scanner and restart the program.

    It's most likely that TNI switched to the RPC scanning method because scanning via SMB had failed for some reason. Please send us a screenshot of this SMB scan error to: support@softinventive.com
    Thank you.

  7. Thank you! That worked. Still... If I re-scan a machine and there were changes, shouldn't the scan pick them up without futzing with settings? That would be nice.

    You are right. However, there still should be at least two scenarios when the program merges the inventory information. Some of our customers prefer tracking the hardware part of each computer (disregarding the network name), while others would like to use the network name as the identifier for each workstation. You can choose which option suits you better.

  8. Hi,

    Thanks for your message.

    The Distinguish assets option determines under what condition your devices will be distinguished (differentiated) in the network tree. Right-click the root node of your storage and open its Properties. There you’ll find the Distinguish assets option under the Scan settings category. Switch this option to By network name and domain. After that, a new snapshot should appear in this device after a rescan. If this option is set to By hardware, a new device with a new MAC address should appear in the network tree when you rescan your network (unless this new machine has the same MAC as the old one).

  9. Please copy the tniesxagent file from your TNI installation folder to this VMware server in any suitable way (e.g. using Putty). Then run this agent file using the following commands:
    chmod 755 tniesxagent
    ./tniesxagent -log

    Send us the log.txt file that will be generated in the same folder.

  10. On 5/3/2016 at 11:21 PM, fmadriaza said:

    Hi all im scanning on toital inventory network and when get 60% of a server give me next message:

    ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallo de escaneo: SSH: (60%) Segmentation fault; SNMP: Comunidad incorrecta o SNMP no disponible; VMWARE: Puerto abierto pero omitido el protocolo

    if you can help me


    Thanks for your message.

    Please let us know the OS version that is installed on this server. It's most likely that we’ll need a scan log file from you to analyze this problem. Please contact us at support@softinventive.com for further instructions.

  11. On 3/21/2016 at 11:00 AM, laola1 said:

    Hi, do you have any information yet? 

    We are facing the same problem for weeks. 

    At first the access violation error only appeared while searching the store.

    Since today the error is immediatley after starting TNI. So it isn't working any more at all. 


    The source of the error is related to the "Assigned users (full names)" field. TNI stopped starting when this field was chosen to be displayed in the Network tree. A temporary solution was found and emailed to you. This problem should be fixed in the next update.

  12. On 3/15/2016 at 5:16 PM, JGM said:

    Do TNI 3 compatible with workstation on Windows 10 ? Because I got an error "SMB: access denied; RPC access denied" with the firewall disable.

    Any help on this please ?



    Windows 10 is fully supported by the latest versions of Total Network Inventory. There should be no problem to collect inventory information from devices running this OS. Please refer to our FAQ to solve the "access denied" problem:


  13. On 3/14/2016 at 12:19 PM, bwgfoods said:


    We're looking for a solution to audit laptops/tablets for devices added in Active Directory but who very infrequently connect to the corporate network. They connect frequently to the internet.

    How can we have these machines audit and report back to central TNI install?



    Hi Frank,

    Thanks for your message.

    You can set the standalone agent to scan a computer/laptop weekly or daily using Windows Tasks, and to save the scan results to a Dropbox folder (or any other folder that allows the files saved in it to be available to you). More information on the scan agent here:


    If these computers not only connect to the corporate network, but also log on to the domain, you can scan them using the domain logon script scan:


    In addition, you can use the automatic import feature to let TNI automatically pull asset files from a certain folder on program startup or on timer:


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