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Everything posted by Support

  1. the scan will fail, and the previous results will remain untouched.
  2. Hello Jan, Do you mean Internet Exporer version? Unfortunately it is not detected in the current version, but we will add this possibility in the nearest future.
  3. Can you please provide a log of pinging this host? (run something like "ping -a ip_address > C:\pinglog.txt" and copy the contents of pinglog.txt).
  4. We have sent you an email, please check it.
  5. Currently only one monitor will be displayed. Multi-monitor support is going to be added to the program in one of the nearest updates.
  6. As it's stated in the error message, this error appears when you try to set system clock back in order to prolong the trial version. If this is not the case, it can also happen if something is wrong with system clock without your participation (for example, exhausted battery on the motherboard). Please check if your system clock is correct and try to run the program again.
  7. First, you go to Options - Misc. and specify the fields which should be present with each computer. Then you select the necessary computer and press "Edit" button on the toolbar or "Edit - Edit selected computer" in main menu. Now open the "Custom information" tab and enter the values for common fields. You can also add fields specific for this particular computer here. Press OK and select "Custom information" category on the right panel (it may be needed to press F5 to refresh if you are viewing the same computer that you've just edited), and you will see that information.
  8. Currently the program does not track changes in hardware or software configuration. This feature will be available in future versions.
  9. Strange, I can do that... Try other way, select (highlight) the root node in the report mode and press space key.
  10. In general view mode, when I say "selected", I mean "highlighted" and you cannot select more than one node at a time. Have you noticed that when you switch to Report Builder, each node's icon is shifted to the right a bit and there is a space for a checkmark? So when in Report Builder you just tick that empty place and the checkmark appears, and this is what we call "selected for reports". If you tick the checkmark again, it disappears, that is the node is deselected. You can do this with any node, including the root node and the checking or unchecking is propagated to all its subnodes. Perhaps the absence of boxes for checkmarks is a bit confusing, but we thought it would look better this way...
  11. Are you able to scan this computer with agent-free method? Because the main program has means to see actual error, that is the reason why the scan is interrupted, while tniaudit.exe cannot do this.
  12. When you enter Report Builder (by pressing "Report Builder" button or selecting any report from the menu), currently selected node becomes selected for reports. If the group was selected, all subnodes become selected. Thus, if root node "Network" was selected, then all computers and groups become selected. To select or deselect all computers when you are already in Report Builder, you just need to check or uncheck the root node - "Network". The same with selecting/deselecting whole groups or subgroups, you just check or uncheck the group node.
  13. It should be located in the same folder with the executable "tniaudit.exe".
  14. Ok, we'll see what can be done.
  15. No, there are many users of the software, but they just don't post anything here somewhy. :) Most of them prefer to write emails or chat by IM's.
  16. Did you run it locally under local admin account? If tniaudit.exe is run without a configuration INI file near it, then by default it tries to create a "Data" folder and save the data file there. Check if this user have rights to create folders and files in the directory where tniaudit.exe was run from. And also, it should not be a read-only media for the same reasons.
  17. That's right, something like: savepath=\\SERVER\share\tni_data
  18. I'm sorry, I have mixed up something (I thought it were your own words and not the error text). This error concerns the path under "Audit agent" options. Obviously, you have the option "Load new and updated files at each startup" on this page enabled, and the path specified there is relative. It passes the test because that folder could actually exist, but it was not intended that audit tool folder will reside in the program's installation directory, thus it refuses to get there during actual update. So to remove this error, you would need to set this path to be absolute (starting with "\\" or "X:", where X is your drive letter).
  19. Actually there are some more steps to take: 1) Rename the file. 2) Open the file and change "Computer_name" tag to be exactly as the file name without ".xml": <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?> <Computer> <Computer_name>NEWPCNAME</Computer_name> 3) Open "groups.dat" and change the name here: <Computer name="NEWPCNAME" ip=""/> 4) Refresh the tree in the program or restart it completely. 5) Open "software.dat" and search&replace OLDPCNAME with NEWPCNAME. I think it will be useful to automate this process... :)
  20. You can already sort by columns in tabular reports, just click on column names. It's only that sorting is not displayed by any marks (arrows or something). As for the IP's, you're right - all fields are treated as text, so we would need to add zeros.
  21. You can add computers with "Edit - Scan other computer". As for the adding of multiple names directly in Scan Wizard (with possible importing from a file), we will consider this.
  22. If you export the standalone utility through "Tools - Export standalone audit utility" or through Scan Wizard, then it takes the path which is specified in Options - Audit agent. If you did this manually, then you can open the file "tniaudit.ini" which is created by the tool after the first launch and set the path in "savepath" parameter.
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