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Posts posted by Support

  1. Understood. Then maybe you could search this XML file for the values of those tags by yourself. I'm sure you will find Service Tag as the value of SerialNumber field in Win32_BIOS record (usually also in Win32_SystemEnclosure and Win32_ComputerSystemProduct), but will you find Asset Tag value somewhere?


    I'm also not sure if dumping of BIOS will be possible. But in the end it is possible to add Asset Tag manually as inventory number or as custom field in the computer's edit window.

  2. Can you please send us an XML file of the scanned Dell computer (from C:\Program Files\Total Network Inventory\Data) where Asset Tag was already entered before scanning? And inform us the Service Tag and Asset Tag of this computer that you see in BIOS. Send it to support@softinventive.com , we will see if it's possible to get this data.

  3. Hi Andrew,


    Each Dell computer has a service tag. It is read by TNI and can be viewed in "Computer/Motherboard" - "Chassis/Serial number" and "BIOS information/Serial number". We know this serial can be changed in BIOS and it should be also read by TNI instead of original service tag.

    Do you use Dell service tags or your own tags as the asset numbers in your company's tagging scheme?


    P.S. You're right that custom fields are only for input of additional information manually.

    It is possible to customize what is scanned, but only for categories as a whole (Options - Inventory).

  4. There is actually no connection between WMI and domain, but as I understand, the problem is that you don't have same admin password for all computers, and also access policy should be set up for each PC.

    Agent setup as a pre-installed service is not implemented yet. But there is a workaround for this issue. Create a .bat file locally on each computer and put a link to it to "Startup" (or even the file itself, it should work also). Put a command similar to the following to this batch file:

    start \\server\share\tniaudit.exe /scripted

    What do we get by this:

    - Programs started from network through local batch file don't produce a security window asking for confirmation.

    - "/scripted" parameter tells the program to run silently, without confirmation to start the scan.

    - "start" command allows the console window to hide immediately after program is started.

  5. Currenly product keys can be retrieved only for Windows and MS Office (including Project and Visio).

    As for the usage, first of all, you scan the network. Then open "Tools - Software accounting", which will calculate the number of installations for all software titles available on the network. In this table you can set the number of licenses that you actually own (if necessary), deselect the software that you don't need to include to the final report, or put some comments if needed. Note the button "Recalculate installations" - it should be used before building a new report when you know that you have rescanned some computers and software list could change. Then press "Save data" and then "Run software report". This report can also be reached with "Reports - Tabular reports - Software and licenses". Here this information will be presented along with the calculated "shortage" field. Now you can sort, copy or save this report to a CSV file. You can also right-click a software title and get a list of computers on which this software is installed.

  6. Thanks, Benny.

    Hey gregc, nobody wanted to offend you, why are you treating it like that? I was just saying that in 2008 it's not very efficient to keep Win98 (an OS which was made for home use from the beginning) working in corporate environment. And if you are forced to face this OS now, you should be prepared for possible issues with such thing as WBEM technology. As for competition, I doubt that any of them which use WMI will work in this case. Others which don't use WMI will only work when run locally or using pre-installed agent in autorun (because there is no services and service manager which can help to install them remotely - one more Win98 drawback).

  7. Please check that you have "Client for Microsoft Networks" installed in the network properties.

    Also check that you have changed the registry settings mentioned in the FAQ and rebooted the computer.

    It may be easier to scan the computers locally, try to use our standalone scanner for this (tniaudit.exe).

    On our test system (Windows 98 SE, ver. 4.10.2222 A) we were able to run both remote scan and local scan (with the standalone scanner) after wmicore.exe installation and applying registry changes. But if this doesn't help, unfortunately we will not be able to provide additional support, as this system is supported "as is": it does not fit for usage in business environment when it comes to remote access and other things that are possible with NT-based systems.

  8. You have contacted us by email and we know that you have been able to scan Winterms clients via SNMP, but the generated XML files contained illegal symbols. After the last update, you should be still able to scan them and the file should be correct now.

    As for the network printers, have you received our email about "DriverName" field?

  9. Please contact us at support@softinventive.com and send us several XML files which produce different errors (preferrably in an archive), for analysis.

    As for the shares, why do you need so many? The program only uses two data folders:

    1) "C:\Program Files\Total Network Iventory\Data (by default), its location can be changed in "Options - Storage". This is the main data folder where the program works.

    2) Audit tool folder (set in "Options - Audit agent") where "tniaudit.exe" should place the files it generates. The folder where "tniaudit.exe" stores the files is set in "tniaudit.ini" file, in the "savepath" parameter. This parameter should point to the same folder which is set in "Options - Audit agent". In this way, the program has a possibility to look for new and updated files when you press "Tools - Refresh audit tool folder", and then update the files in main data folder.

  10. Our software uses Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service to get the information. The value you are asking about is obtained from the Win32_OperatingSystem class, from the value "TotalVisibleMemorySize", and here is what is said about this value in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-operatingsystem?redirectedfrom=MSDN:

    "Total amount, in kilobytes, of physical memory available to the operating system. This value does not necessarily indicate the true amount of physical memory, but what is reported to the operating system as available to it."

    Usually this value indicates the amount of physical memory minus a couple of Mb which are taken by BIOS, or a couple of dozens of Mb which are taken for integrated adapter memory. However unfortunately in this case we cannot explain why this amount is twice less than the physical memory amount. This may require some contact with Microsoft.


    P.S. Forum attachments are temporarily disabled.

  11. Really, this happens if the agent is waiting for a delay before scanning, and at this time you shutdown or reboot a machine.

    We'll work on this behaviour, but currently you can set "scandelay" parameter to zero, or to a positive value less than 600000 (this is in ms, that is seconds*1000).

  12. You can search in tabular reports with Binoculars button, or Ctrl+F and F3 keys. Also, it's possible to search in printable reports with the same button.

    To find a computer which has particular software, you should select "Reports - Tabular reports - Software and licenses", then you right-click necessary software title and select "Show computers which have this software".

  13. Hello Beano,

    We've tried to shutdown a machine with TNI agent running, and we've seen no messages. Can you catch its contents? And what is the setup for agent - is it run manually, from the script, or scan is made remotely from the administrator module?

  14. The program's data directory can be shared and program can be set to use UNC path via "Options - Storage", but at this point the program does not have protection from sharing violation, so it is not recommended that different users make inventory of the same computers (or edit the same computer's custom information) at the same time. However, they should be able to perform other operations like inventorying different subnets, viewing information and running reports without problems. We are going to improve this feature in the following versions.

    As for the licensing, the program can be installed on any number of computers with the same license key and use the same data share, provided that you don't exceed the number of scanned nodes that is stated in the license.

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