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Problem with Software reports

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We are unable to run the any of the software reports. The program is either hanging or in the case of the software and licenses report, we are getting an error with the XML file. The error is as follows:


"Invalid XML Element: Erroneous end of tag, expecting </Install_count> but </> found."


Need help!!!

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This is a rare issue that sometimes happen when XML file becomes corrupted. That was a wise solutioin. I think we will add a procedure to delete this file automatically in case of errors, or show a prompt for a user to do this manually, so that it could be rebuilt normally.


By the way, do you store your data folder in a network share or on a local disk?

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By the way, do you store your data folder in a network share or on a local disk?


Data is stored on a local drive and thank you for your response.


Also, I was transferring new xml files into the data folder and the groups were lost. I tried to restore a backup of the groups.dat file but this did not help. Any ideas?

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Also, I was transferring new xml files into the data folder and the groups were lost. I tried to restore a backup of the groups.dat file but this did not help. Any ideas?

That is strange. Do you mean the groups in your current network tree or maybe the groups of the tree you have transferred the files from?

Can you please describe all steps you have taken just before that happened?

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  • 2 weeks later...
That is strange. Do you mean the groups in your current network tree or maybe the groups of the tree you have transferred the files from?

Can you please describe all steps you have taken just before that happened?


Sorry for the delay in replying. Let me give you some background. We have more than 20 locations. We have the technical support officer at each location perform scans with TNI and the files are sent to me to report on. I have TNI installed on a workstation here so I transfer the files to this one data folder.


While I was doing this process, I was adding any new machines to their respective groups which I had already created for each location. This was done location by location with a data folder refresh done after adding the files for each location. Suddenly after adding a location, the data refresh took an extended amount of time and came back saying I had 1800+ new files (which is basically all of the machines). When I double checked, all the groups were lost. I tried restoring a backup of the groups.dat file but to no avail.


I am presently in the process of rebuilding the groups manually. Real fun :(

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  • 1 month later...

OK. I think I figured out where I went wrong. It seems that one of our locations sent their groups.dat and software.dat files in the zip file with the XML files. I the unzipped the file into the Data folder, unwittingly overwriting my own groups.dat file and in the process, losing all my group information.


To avoid this happening in the future I have unchecked the "overwrite files" option in winzip.

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Understood. I thought you were transferring the new files by copying them (any file manager would ask for overwriting). And even with unpacking from archive, the archiver should usually ask, but not this one - I remember you're selecting whether to overwrite files or not before you start unpacking and don't even know yet whether there will be files with same names... I don't like WinZip for that from long ago :)

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