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  1. Unfortunately, WMI does not see the difference between PATA and SATA (both shown as IDE). So currently I cannot say anything on possible fixing.
  2. Actually we have not tested the difference, but it could be because our 32-bit agent is running slower than 64-bit WMI service in the 64-bit environment. BTW, what processor do you have in this 64-bit machine?
  3. Anyway, sometimes only agentless method can be used, for example in Windows 98.
  4. Yep, some marketing is definitely involved here :)
  5. Yes, and moreover, agent is tried by default in the furst turn. But "Access denied" does not depend on the selected method, because if it's "denied", you'll get this error with both methods.
  6. I don't think 64 bits play too big role in this, but scan time really can vary on different machines. Most time is taken by installed software scan and database engines scan (that is, intensive registry and file operations executed through WMI). You may try to disable categories "Installed software", "Antivirus software" and "Database engines" and try to scan again and see the time, it would be interesting to know.
  7. At least not me :) Okay, will be done.
  8. This is reasonable, we'll look into it.
  9. Does it differ anyhow from other workstations? This error can happen if the agent doesn't run normally and thus doesn't save the data file. In the end, one machine can be scanned manually by running "tniaudit.exe" locally. This way you can also check if it actually runs without problems.
  10. We are planning to add these things, but first we need to solve a problem of multiple instances output.
  11. Do you mean my statement or Mike's? :)
  12. When you scan with agent, two files are copied first to remote ADMIN$ resource (that is, WINDOWS directory): "tniaudit.exe" and "tniservice.exe". Whether these files are removed or not after the scan, depends on program settings "Options - Connection - Keep deployed files for future use". During the scan, "tniservice.exe" is installed and has a name "TNIHelperService" and display name "Total Network Inventory Helper Service". It is installed each time when scan starts and stopped and uninstalled when scan is finished (though it can remain stopped but installed if the computer was shut down or a network connection was broken during the scan).
  13. We will consider this, however wizard windows are usually fixed in size...
  14. Okay, we'll see what can be done. :)
  15. Not necessarily. In order to use an agentless (direct WMI) method, you need to have the same rights as when you connect to administrator resources like C$ or ADMIN$ (which is done when deploying agent), that is administrator rights. And Windows XP and Vista have some default restrictions for such connections, which I have described above. These restrictions are removed when you connect a system to a domain, and in workgroup you have to remove them manually.
  16. Which error? Please provide the text of error (you can press Ctrl+C in the error window in order not to retype the text).
  17. We decided to keep all documentation in one place, so the actual FAQ is not here anymore, but you can always find the up-to-date FAQ in our documentation center. Total Network Inventory FAQ
  18. Yes, it does. I've even just tried it to be sure. :) BTW, the same for Vista 64bit.
  19. Hi Steve, TNI works in both workgroup and domain environment. But the point is that you need to have administrator access to remote machines. Make sure that you specify username and password of the user that has administrator rights on those computers (local administrator or domain administrator). If the administrator has blank password, remote access will not be possible also. But if the computers are not in domain: workstations which are running Windows XP and Vista and not connected to domain don't allow local administrator to authenticate as himself by default. Instead, "ForceGuest" policy is used, which means that all remote connections are mapped to Guest account. But again, administrator rights are required to make the scan. Please consult this document on this matter. You would need to update the policy as described in this document on each computer. It can be easily done by running "secpol.msc" and expanding Local policies - Security options - and locating the policy "Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts" and changing it from "Guest" to "Classic". This should be done for both Windows XP and Vista. But for Windows Vista there is one more step that should be taken - it concerns User Account Control (UAC). It restricts administrator rights for remote logons is some cases. You should either disable UAC, or make changes to the parameter in the registry as described in this short document. P.S. I bet this should be added to our FAQ...
  20. Okay, thanks for the idea, we will try to do that.
  21. That's true, but if you move the mouse over the message, you should see a hint with a complete line. Besides, if you right click any line, there will be options to copy or save all information from this window. And finally, if you select a specific line and press "Ctrl+C", this one line together with columns names will be copied to clipboard.
  22. Yes, that's why the agent method is used by default in the furst turn. However, agentless method has it's right for life too. :)
  23. The network browser in scan wizard is not a domain browser, but network neighbourhood browser. It takes information from Computer Browser Service, which is separate from Active Directory computers and resources. This information is updated each 12 minutes, and often really can be inconsistent (computer may be online and not shown in this list, and vice versa, it can be present in list, but is already shut down). We are going to introduce a domain browser in future versions, and will start with a feature of scanning computers from specific OU (Organizational Unit) in the nearest version.
  24. Really, default path is relative to the program's executable location. If you have installed the program to "C:\Program Files\Total Network Inventory" and data storage path is "Data", then it's actually located in "C:\Program Files\Total Network Inventory\Data". You can set another path in Options if you'd like to.
  25. The program relies on information provided by WMI. So obviously such was the information. Are you sure that you didn't mix up anything?
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