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Table report

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I just created a custom table report.

I configured some basic hardware info + list of software installed (name, version, license).


I also tagged some software products and I would like to filter the table report in order to list only the software that I tagged.

I see that I have that filter in the "software" tab, but I also need it in the table reports tab.


I've seen that there is a conditional filter where I can select any field to filter, but I couldn't find the "software tag" field to be filtered. Is it seen as a field?


Thanks for your help



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Hello, dbianco! Thanks for the feedback.


Unfortunately, software tags only live in Software accounting tab and are not used outside of it.


We have plans for making software tags omnipresent and smart: apart from filtering software by tags in Table reports, it will be possible to, say, mark a software as an anti-virus in Software accounting to make it show up in Viewer & Reports/Security, etc. These features is part of what we're working on right now.

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