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"user name" tabular in tabular detailed software report

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Hello all! Big thanks to developers for TNI! Very useful program!!


Sorry if I repeat the topic, but i don't found any info about that...


I have a question... Can I, somehow, insert "user name" tabular in detailed installed software report(tabular)? If it is possible, so how? I need it so much. Or may be make any other TABULAR report which include this tabulars:


-Computer name

-User name

-Installed sofware

-... and than any else...





Thanks to all!

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Thanks for the feedback.

Unfortunately it's not possible to add any fields to the detailed "Installed software" report (it is fixed). And also it's not possible to add "Installed software" to the custom report where you can have user name, because in this report each computer occupies only one line (row), and it's not possible to put all installed software into one table cell (one row and one column). I think it will be possible to do this in the version 2.0 of the program.

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Thank you very much, for answer!


I take your point... it is a pity... When i started to make this reports, I think - it is not so hard to insert "user name" column to the each computer name or IP in installed software report, because you have now comp name and installed programms columns(may be I'am wrong, sorry). I mean - if computer name repeat infront each programm on it, so "user name" can repeat with it (and IP for example). Or, make it in Costum report... For example - I choose Computer name column, user name, ip and programms. It may give, when I convert tabular report in excel, I may filter software over users. I think it is more understandable, and visual (for example - sort who have forbidden software in the company).


And may I ask, when, approximately, users can see version 2.0, Or may be updates?



Thanks a lot, again!!!

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Yes, it is not hard to add more fields to the detailed installed software report. It is just harder to do this when we are working on the new version all the time. Besides, we wouldn't like to release an update because of one added field (unfortunately detailed reports are not customizable in this version).

As for the custom report, it's not possible to add installed software there in the current version (one row for each PC is the limit there).

It's possible that there will be an update to the current version soon. The version 2.0 is planned to be released this summer.

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