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Data Import from FTP/HTTP

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I have configured the agent's profile to deposit the scanner results to an external server FTP site (I also tried it with HTTP), and that works fine. However, I can't figure out how to "tell" TNI to import the data from there. I tried with the "Data Import" of the Schedule Task but could not find an option to do so. Apparently, it only works with shared or local folders or SMB but what about to import data from FTP?. Does anyone know how to do that?


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 Hi Dave. Thanks 

You wrote about the FTP server: 


TNI will be able to import the data as from a local resource.

But how does TNI do it? Use the same Data Transfer settings? If so, I am doing something wrong because it is not working for me (partially) 

1- I have configured the FTP folder in Data Transfer and checked the connection

2- Set up the agent profile with the same "Data transfer method"

3- Set up the update path to the same FTP folder URL with user name and password as " auto-update network resource" (ftp://mydomain.com/DataFolder)

4- Set up the same "Data transfer method" as "Send scan results"

5- I added a task for Agent update, Scan, and Resend data


The result is:

The remote computer receives the agent and executes the tasks correctly, sending the result to the FTP folder as you can see in the following screenshot

However, the TNI scheduled import task does not return any information about those results saved in the FTP folder.

Who is wrong on my side?


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All the settings are configured correctly. The only thing that you should perform is to configure SMB on that FTP server where the scanning results are placed. Therefore, the agent will send the data to FTP and the FTP server has SMB as well, which is being shared. After that, add an Import task in Scheduler in TNI and specify the SMB path to the shared folder on the server. 

That should work. Generally, all modern FTP servers support FTP and SMB simultaneously; by this, you could configure file transferring to TNI. It is slightly inconvenient but we are going to make it better later.

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