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Full Network Inventory

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The Total Network Inventory manual indicates that the Scan Wizard will scan all nodes currently connected to the network whether via wireless, VPN, or LAN.


Is there a way to have this scan refer or check back against AD so we know how many nodes we have missed that are part of the domain but not currently connected?


Any recommendations would be appreciated.



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Unfortunately, integration with AD is yet to be implemented.


But there is a way around, if you could get a list of all computers from AD in text file, and a list of computers scanned by the program in another file (both files sorted alphabetically), you could then compare them with some text editor (e.g. Notepad++ with Compare plugin).

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Unfortunately, integration with AD is yet to be implemented.


But there is a way around, if you could get a list of all computers from AD in text file, and a list of computers scanned by the program in another file (both files sorted alphabetically), you could then compare them with some text editor (e.g. Notepad++ with Compare plugin).


Thanks so much for your quick response.

Do you know if there is a plan to integrate with AD sometime in the future?




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