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Posts posted by VisionQuest

  1. Try the following




    RUNAS [/profile] [/env] [/netonly] /user:<UserName> program


    /profile if the user's profile needs to be loaded

    /env to use current environment instead of user's.

    /netonly use if the credentials specified are for remote access only.

    /user <UserName> should be in form USER@DOMAIN or DOMAIN\USER

    program command line for EXE. See below for examples



    > runas /profile /user:mymachine\administrator cmd

    > runas /profile /env /user:mydomain\admin "mmc %windir%\system32\dsa.msc"

    > runas /env /user:user@domain.microsoft.com "notepad \"my file.txt\""

  2. The issue is not because of coincidence with the domain or workgroup name. This is because the program relies on the uniqueness of the group name for some internal reasons. This uniqueness is obviously checked throughout the whole tree. So if a group named "WORKGROUP" (only for example) already exists, it will not be possible to create another group with such name. We are going to fix this in future versions to allow the structure you have mentioned.



    Do you know of any workaround in mean time ?

    Its currently giving me a lot of trouble when loading new data files.



  3. Isn't it the same idea that you offered in the first post? :) I think it includes this point and so will be considered for implementation.

    By the way, one of the updates some time ago has added multi-selection and drag-n-drop to the network tree, so creating a group and moving a number of nodes there in current version will not take more work than creating a folder and moving a number of files in Explorer.



    It is more work when you have over 3000 pc in over 65 sites and where you can find 20 pc with the same name under the same workgroup name called "Office" and they are sending you the files at almost the same time.


    Sorry if i sound a bit rough, but i received that project and i ran out of aspirin at the same time. :blink:

  4. Hi,


    There seams the be an issue with creating groups with the domain or workgroup name.


    When creating a group we are not allowed for duplicate name. Here is what i'm trying to do, but unable because of the "Duplicate Not Allowed" feature.


    Is there an option to enable me to setup my group Tree the way i want?


    Thanks in advance



  5. I was wondering I have the MSP Lic and I was wondering could I put Total Network Inventory on a Memory Stick and run it.


    This would serve 2 purposes one I could walk in to a customer and use one of their machines to do my inventory and second it would keep things neat and seporate I would keep each customer on their own stick.


    So can it be done?





    Yes you can.



    When you setup the standalone audit tool, all you need is to copy the tniaudit.exe and tniaudit.ini and just drop it on your USB key. then just create a "data" folder and you are done.


    Then you just run tniaudit.exe from the USB key and it will do the audit and save the results under the data folder on your usb key.



  6. Hi,


    Is there anyway to be able to create folder with a name like "Groupe1" under \data\ and have TNI when loading to automatically use the folder name as a Group name in the Data tree ?


    That way i can just drop the audit XML files right into each group (Folder) and TNI will update the tree.


    Thanks in advance for your help



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