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Everything posted by Tony

  1. Hi Dave, So i have done this , but i still get the same issues when trying to scan ? Can you advise ? Cheers
  2. Hello, So as it stands there is no other method to scan Linux devices without using the root account ? Cheers Tony
  3. Hello, I am using TNI 6.2.0 and am experiencing issues when trying to scan Redhat Devices. I have set up a TNI user and added to the wheel group and also granted SSH access , however when i scan i receive the below error Scan Failed: SSH: bash -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"" If i change the account used in TNI to the root account , it scans without issues. However due to security policies , this is not viable. Has anyone else had these issues and been able to resolve ? Cheers Tony
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