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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Hi! This is one of the most popular requests among our TSD users. The feature is on our to-do list and may be implemented in the future.
  2. Hello, In the current version of TNI it is not possible.
  3. Please, make sure that you`ve specified a correct login (community) for the SNMP protocol. Try checking your credentials using some third-party applications like MIB Browser or Free Tools.
  4. Buen día, El número de instalaciones de software con la misma clave de licencia no está limitado. Sin embargo, el número total de computadoras y dispositivos de red inventariados por todas las instalaciones no debe exceder el número de licencia, es decir, la licencia debe cubrir todas las computadoras y dispositivos administrados por todas las instalaciones. Puede encontrar esta información en nuestro EULA: https://www.softinventive.com/files/tni-eula.pdf
  5. Hello, Lucas. We need to analyze the logs to find out what's going on. Please go to C:\Program files(86)\Network Olympus\Bin\Logs Then find and open the file OlympusScanner.Scanner.log. Attach the log here or send us at support@softinventive.com
  6. Hello, You can do it by merging different software versions into a single item. In Software accounting - Software find and select the versions you'd like to merge. Select all versions of the software in the main list. To make a multiple selection, drag your mouse or use Shift-clicking and Ctrl-clicking. Then click the Merge button on the bottom panel. You can find more details on this page: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/user-manual/software-asset-management/software-management/merging-software-items/ After that you can attach a license to the merged software item. If you have other questions don`t hesitate to contact us.
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