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Posts posted by Dave

  1. Hello,

    You can observe this information in the Viewer&Reports tab in the Group Summary template and looking at Snapshot summary section.



    Otherwise, please go to the Table reports tab an create your own template with selecting Other information > Current user option, as it`s shown on a screenshot below.


  2. Hello,

    While synchronizing with AD TNI receives various data that is store in AD. Therefore, if you added additional information into the description field in AD this should be displayed in TNI as well as soon as synchronization is done.
    If you have several AD domains then we would recommend adding them as separate groups(OUs).

    For more information please visit this page here:

  3. Hello.

    There are various methods that can be used for data transfer: SMB, FTP, SFTP etc. However, if you are going to use SMB then ports 139 and 445 must be opened.

    To get more information we would recommend visiting this page: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/user-manual/data-transfer/

    In general, if you have several separate locations then the best way it will be to configure the resident agent and deploy then on remote devices. Then the agents will collect the data and send it to a shared resource. After that, configure the import task in your main TNI copy and import the scanning results from the resource.
    The main principle and how to configure the resident agent can be obtained through this article:

  4. Thank you for the clarification.

    Unfortunately, there is no option to add a program manually. We have this task in our to-do list but we are unable to tell you the terms of realization of the feature.

    As for the current situation, we can advise you to scan the offline device with an agent manually and collect all the data from the remote computer. After that, add the scanning results to the main TNI storage and operate the software list as you wish.

  5. Hello.

    It is possible that your DNS may resolve network names incorrectly. Try clearing cache of your DNS server and if the issue remains try changing the TSD network settings in Options -> Handling of dynamic IP addresses

    Additionally, try configuring your Network properties according to the settings you have: either static or dynamic IP. This can be set by clicking on the Properties of your root storage in the program.

  6. Verifique si puede acceder a esta computadora desde la computadora donde está instalado TNI. Verifica lo siguiente utilizando las mismas credenciales que especificaste en el TNI:

    - ¿Es posible abrir la carpeta \\computername\admin$ en el Explorador de archivos (para acceder a la carpeta admin$ en la otra computadora)?
    - ¿Es posible acceder al "nombre de la computadora" desde services.msc (haga clic derecho - Conectarse a otra computadora)?
    Alternativamente, habilite la excepción "Compartir archivos e impresoras" en el Firewall de Windows y abra los puertos TCP 445 y 139 en otros firewalls.
    En algunos casos, puede resultar útil desactivar UAC a través del registro.

    Además, este artículo puede ayudar:


  7. We have checked the software and made several attempts to install/uninstall Forticlient and we were not able to reproduce the error.

    If you already own TNI try checking uninstall string by yourself. This can be made by selecting the appropriate string in the templates constructor builder. After that try uninstalling Forticlient by yourself. This can be made either in the command line locally by calling uninstall string manually or remotely with the PsExec utility. It`s mainly possible that you will receive the same error.


  8. Unfortunately, we are not able to solve the issue without having any data and logs. There are many reasons that may lead to such behavior. 

    We would recommend adding TNI installation folder to the antivirus software whitelist and making exceptions. Additionally, in TNI 6 go to Options -> Scanner and try disabling the "Enable Windows updates scan" option. Try performing scanning again then.

    If none of the actions would help, try using the resident agents. Otherwise, send us logs from the above-mentioned actions required to support@softinventive.com

  9. Estimado Luis,

    Este es un problema común que podría ocurrir en redes sin dominio.
    Para escanear con éxito las computadoras que están en un grupo de trabajo, debe especificar las credenciales de administrador local para cada computadora.
    Además, algunas computadoras pueden requerir cambios e ingresar cambios en su registro. Dichos cambios se pueden encontrar en este artículo:

    Acceso denegato

    De lo contrario, recomendamos que un agente residente escanee dichos dispositivos. Esto requerirá algo de tiempo para configurarlo, pero brinda mucha efectividad, reduce la carga en su red y no requiere que se ejecute con privilegios de administrador.
    El concepto general del agente residente se puede observar aquí:


  10. All the settings are configured correctly. The only thing that you should perform is to configure SMB on that FTP server where the scanning results are placed. Therefore, the agent will send the data to FTP and the FTP server has SMB as well, which is being shared. After that, add an Import task in Scheduler in TNI and specify the SMB path to the shared folder on the server. 

    That should work. Generally, all modern FTP servers support FTP and SMB simultaneously; by this, you could configure file transferring to TNI. It is slightly inconvenient but we are going to make it better later.

  11. Buenos días,

    TNI no puede escanear dispositivos desde AD directamente. A su vez, necesitas sincronizar TNI con tu AD para que el programa pueda tener información de los dispositivos de tu dominio. Después de eso, puede escanearlos en consecuencia con los datos recibidos.
    Para sincronizar TNI con AD, debe ir a las propiedades de la raíz de almacenamiento o a las propiedades de la carpeta y especificar las propiedades de su grupo AD:

    Después de eso, realice la sincronización con su AD y vuelva a escanear los dispositivos transferidos:


  12. Hello Alexander,

    We are sorry for the delay. It is possible that the deployed program does not support such a deployment method. Please make sure that TSD is started with administrator credentials privileges and make sure that there are no pop-up windows appearing while recording a macro. 
    Otherwise, please try installing the software with Silent mode, unless such a method is supported.

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