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Everything posted by Hemo2

  1. Karel, does this bluescreen occur in the newest v3.1.0 build 1684 release?
  2. I hope this issue is being reviewed as causing a BSOD during the inventory scan on your computers is not a functional situation.
  3. We haven't implemented TNI v3 yet due to logistics and other projects taking precedence. But this bluescreen issue reported by karel brings up a question. Are there new command line switches for the new v3 TNIWINAGENT.EXE program? Is there one that maybe tells it not to do a 'low level' hardware scan, or something similar to avoid this potential issue?
  4. Our Symantec Enpoint Protection anti-virus software this week started to flag and quarrantine/delete the "C:\Program Files\Total Network Inventory\Nmap\ncat.exe" file. If we are not using the NMap Engine for scanning and are instead using the Classic Scan engine, will anything in TNI be affected now that this ncat.exe file has been deleted by our anti-virus software? Or should we look at adding an exception within Symantec Endpoint Protection for this file?
  5. Hi Zak. Thanks for the quick reply. After seeing your comment, the version of the "tniwinagent" is the cause of our issue. We do have the newest version of TNI, but we never deployed the newer version of the tniwinagent.exe in our login script scanning because of the much larger size of it than previous versions and our concern with bandwidth. I'm not sure that we will deploy the newer tniwinagent because of this and will have to make do with deciphering the IE version looking at the overal number and not the '9' at the beginning.
  6. I noticed for machines with IE 10, we are getting a version number showing of "9.10.9200.xxxxx". (Note the "9" at the beginning of the reported version number.) I looked in the registry at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" and the "Version" value does in fact show this 9.10.9200.xxxxx version number, even though IE10 installed on the computer. I noticed in the registry at the same key, there is a "svcVersion" value entry and it is set to "10.0.9200.xxxxx", which is more what you'd expect to see from a computer with IE10 installed. Is the issue that Microsoft does not properly update the "Version" registry value that programs are reporting on, or would TNI now need to check multiple locations to properly report the IE version number? I think we can use that 9.10.9200.xxxxx verison number from TNI reports to tell who has IE10 installed, but it's a bit odd to see the "9" at the beginning of the version number.
  7. I believe I'm running into this issue too with TNI v2.2.3 build 1539. I was attempting to generate a simple list of computer names that did NOT have a piece of software installed on them. (I failed miserably at this and have no idea how to do this and discovered I am completely lost in the Software Accounting tab which is why I avoid that tab.) Anyway, I somehow managed to flag some software items in the Software Accounting list with that red colored 'Absence' icon. I can find no way to get rid of that. I click the gray colored 'x' but it simply does nothing. I can click the green colored 'Presence' item and it will change the selected item to that colored icon, but clicking the light gray colored 'x' next to the Track item doesn't clear things and I have items in the Software Accounting tab stuck with that colored Presence/Absence icon on them.
  8. I could see that idea as working and useful.
  9. Thanks for the info Zak. This feature could be helpful to others and we'll definately take a look at it to see if it can simplify the levels in our storage.
  10. Hi Zak. Thank you for the information. From a technical standpoint, I don't know that we want to pre-deploy the agent, so it kind of makes sense to leave the runtime library in the agent. The idea of caching it locally is interesting, but I'm not sure how we would then run the command in our login script. I think we'd still need to point the the network resource to run the agent just in case the locally cached file didn't exist. So for now, I think we'll run the older version and discuss the larger size of the new version. I don't think a change is needed on your end at this time. All our users don't obviously login at the exact same moment in time, so that helps. If techs run large scale scanning on remote networks, we can have them scale back the number or concurrent scans if we run into response and bandwidth issues.
  11. Hi Zak. I appreciate the reply. A notification that a sync is occuring would be great and of course if it can be made faster, that's even better! :) With the syncing with AD and the OU levels, I think it will work the way it is. Where our computers are in AD isn't on a branch immediately off the root of AD. When we originally setup our TNI Storage, of course the top level inside of TNI is where we started our computers and we simply manually created folders in the TNI Storage to mimic our AD structure. With the new sync with AD in TNI, after I have had time to work with it, I think it will work as is. Even though we are getting the entire AD structure in our TNI Storage now after a sync, things are still organized such that we can run reports, etc. on the main branches that have our computers contained underneath it. So I don't think a change is necessary on your end. Thank you.
  12. I noticed in the latest release, v2.2.3 build 1528, that the size of the TNIWINAGENT.EXE file has increased in size dramatically. Previous size we used was 291KB and it's now more than twice the size at 720KB in this release. We perform login script scanning on our workstations. The command we use in our login scripts runs this file from a centralized server. However, we have a great many workstations (thousands) on remote networks and many of these have limited connection into our primary backbone. We are understandably concerned about the size of this new file and the effect it will have on our bandwidth at these limited networks, so we haven't started using this newer version of the agent. The version of the agent we are currently running is v12.12.04.0. To help us decide if we want to use this newer version, we'd like to know what changes or enhancements are in this newer, and larger, agent file? Are the changes something that are needed for new features in the newest TNI update? Would we be missing anything or causing issues if we continued to use the older agent with the newest version of TNI? Thank you.
  13. Hmm, nevermind! Wouldn't you know it, 10 minutes after I posted this, my TNI Storage is going crazy with updating the storage folder structures, etc. now. Apparently it took a bit of time in the background to read in our AD structure before anything visible in TNI started to occur. If I have any further questions or issues, I'll post a followup topic here.
  14. I'm very excited about the Sync with Active Directory feature! However, I have a question on how to tell if it's doing something. I have installed the newest TNI update and enabled the option to sync AD on startup. I restarted TNI and nothing appears to be happening. (There's no indication that it's doing anything.) So I right clicked on my TNI Storage and selected "Synchronize with AD", but again, nothing has the appearance that any sync is occuring and the number of assets in my storage branches remains unchanged. I normally log into my workstation with a standard user account and also run TNI as a standard user account. So I closed TNI and did a 'run as administrator' on TNI thinking perhaps it needed to be run as a domain administrator on my workstation before the synchronization would take off. However, that also does not seem to be doing anything. My TNI is functioning as normal. Is the synchronization doing something hidden behind the scenes and I just need to wait longer for some indication that the synchronization is going? Not sure if this info makes a difference, but in my TNI, I had setup branches in my TNI Storage to mimic our AD branches and OU structure. But the OU level in AD that contains all our sub-OU branches with our AD workstations isn't actually at the top level of our AD.
  15. Thanks for your consideration Zak.
  16. As long as I'm wishing for new features! I know others use TNI differently, but for us where we're just inventorying computers on our domain, it would be helpful if there were some way to run a routine in TNI to compare the asset records stored in my TNI with actual computer names on our domain. And if a computer exists in my TNI but not on our domain anymore, then delete the record from TNI. We have many techs spread out across a very wide area and they constantly put computers on the domain, remove them, rename them, etc. and we get residual records in TNI for computers that don't really exist.
  17. Does TNI do an "automatic" check for new updated versions of TNI over the internet when it is run? The reason I ask is due to how our corporate environement works and our firewall logging. We generally log into our workstations with a standard user account but do a 'run as' on TNI with our admin accounts. If TNI is automatically doing an auto update check for new versions out to the internet, the firewall is logging activity as our admin account on the internet. If TNI is doing this automatic update check when its' run, I didn't see any options to disable this, but would it be possible to change this to an "auto check for updates" option in your settings, so you could turn this off/on as desired?
  18. I'm afraid I have to revive this old topic. (Sorry!) In TNI v2.0.5, I'm still seeing the time zone reflected incorrectly in the Operating System information. My computer is set to "(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", but TNI shows that it is "GMT -0-5:00". I understand the resulting math if you add the hour for Daylist Savings Time (CST), but the resulting Timezone reflected is not accurate. I bring this up again because we just had an issue the other day where a user was saying their time was constantly wrong. Turns out the option to adjust for Daylight Savings Time was not checked, when it should have been. We've also had issues in the past where the wrong timezone was seleted when the comptuer was setup, which can cause issues with Outlook appointment reminders not coming up at the correct time. So we really need to be able to differentiate between the DST option being checked or unchecked, and also the timezone that has been selected. We have computers in our organization that are installed in two different timezones and what we would much prefer in TNI is if the Timezone information and the option to adjust for DST were two sepearte fields. That way the Timezone that is set would properly be reflected in TNI and also we would easily see if the option to adjust for DST is also set, or not set. As it is, if you have a combination of the wrong timezone and/or wrong DST option checked, you can't rely on TNI to verify if these two items are set correctly. (Especially when we have different timezones in our computers to contend with.)
  19. Thanks Zak. Sure enough, it's right there staring me in the face! (I feel pretty silly!)
  20. Unless I'm missing it, I don't think it's possible to run a report on the version of Internet Explorer that is installed. I wonder if this could be added as an available field to use in reports similarly to how the 'MS Office versions' was added? That way we could run a report including the specific versions of IE installed on computers. I believe the version of IE is stored in the registry at the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" key and is stored in the string value named "Version", so of course the inventory scan of the registry would have to include scanning for this key/value.
  21. Thank you Zak.
  22. Just wanted to check before I did this. With the latest TNI update, the 'Reset Serial Number' option was added under the Edit - Properties - Reset Properties. When you do this, does it wipe out the serial number or does it simply go through all the snapshots and set things so your reports, etc. use the serial number from the 'newest' snapshot? And sorry to keep asking, but the latest update did not have anything in it to address the duplicate records being created due the filenames using MAC addresses?
  23. Actually I don't believe the new "tniwinagent.exe" program for login script scanning uses the tniaudit.ini file anymore. The parameters are handled via command line options now. We use a simple batch file for our login scripts and you can see an example below of how we do it: IF "%SESSIONNAME%" == "Console" START \\server\share\FolderName\TNI2_DATA\tniwinagent.exe /scripted /path:\\server\share\FolderNAME\TNI2_DATA\"Human Resources" /delay:180 /overwrite We check the environment variable %SESSIONNAME% is equal to 'Console' and if so, then execute the command. (If it isn't then it's a login session on a Citrix full desktop server in our environment.) Then you can see we start the tniwinagent.exe program from a UNC path specified by the \\server\share parameter. The /scripted parameter tells it this is running in a login script. The /path parameter tells it where to put the resulting inventory file from the scan. In this example it gets put into a subfolder named \Human Resources on our server in that path. We specify different target paths in different login scripts for different offices in our environment for each of their login scripts. The /delay parameter tells it how long to wait (in seconds) after executing the tniwinagent.exe program in our script before the actual inventory begins on the computer. The /overwrite parameter tells the tniwinagent.exe program to "overwrite" the existing inventory file in your target location with the new one that just got completed in the last login. (If you don't use this parameter then you will get a new inventory file for each and every login that is named sequentially with a "(1)" naming scheme in the file name. We did not want our folders filling up with thousands of inventory files on the server for each and every login and using a single file overwriting it on each user login works best for us.
  24. Dan, not sure if I understand correctly or not, but with the Templates for the Table Reporting tab, there isn't a export/import routine per say, but you can manually copy these templates to a different computer and they become available to use in TNI. I have Windows 7 and they are located in the "C:\ProgramData\Total Network Inventory 2\Templates" folder. (I assume on XP they would be underneath the "All Users" profile.)
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