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Posts posted by Cegross

  1. Hi, I am testing out the TNI 2 beta as well, and I like what I see so far, but I have a question.

    I manage multiple domains, each with different administrator accounts and passwords. In TNI 1.6, there is the ability to enter in login credentials before I do a scan of the pc's on that domain. I am so far unable to find that ability in TNI 2, is there something that I have missed or is that not implemented yet?


    Thank you,



  2. Hi,

    I was wondering if there is a way in the current version or something that can be looked at in future versions to have the ability to export the computers that do or do not have software installations to a csv file or any format other than a windows dialog box?

    It would be beneficial for me to be able to look at the software and license count list and then say ok, who does not have this software and be able to export that since the windows dialog box is not able to be copied or even properly viewed if the list is that large (which mine usually is).


    I do notice the copy feature, but being able to export it would also be helpful for me.


    Much appreciated,




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