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About Dave

  • Birthday 06/12/1985

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  1. Hallo, Der Dienst hängt sich auf, weil irgendetwas ihn blockiert. Am häufigsten kann dies durch Antiviren-Software verursacht werden. Versuchen Sie, den Ordner, in dem der Agent ausgeführt wird, zur Whitelist oder zu den Ausnahmen hinzuzufügen. Außerdem kann das Hängenbleiben durch einen Low-Level-Scan-Disk-Treiber verursacht werden. Versuchen Sie in diesem Fall, den Laufwerksscan zu deaktivieren oder zu überspringen. Diese Option befindet sich unter Optionen - Scannen. Wenn keine der Maßnahmen hilft, senden Sie uns Protokolle von C:\Windows\TNIAUDITSERVICE\ und/oder Windows/Temp/tniwinagent#/
  2. Hi Leo, We are sad to inform you that we were not able to reproduce the error. As we previously told you, please try finding the problematic software by clicking or adding it to the Software storage. When you find the culprit, please go to the folder with the software with file explorer and send us at support@softinventive.com the SoftX.clr and SoftX.jhr files, where X is the name of the software, which causes the problems. As soon as you send us the files, delete them from the folder. It is safe and this allows not configuring the software storage again.
  3. Hello Leo, Unfortunately, we do not have any information on the problem you have. It is mainly possible that TSD encounters a program in the software storage that is not supported by TSD, or which leads to the error. Our team will try to reproduce the problem. In the current situation, please try creating a new software storage and try adding programs one by one, so that to identify what causes the failings.
  4. Hello, Intune is a cloud solution that does not meet TNI`s requirements. It is not possible to scan end-point devices via such services.
  5. Hi Paul, Currently we have directed all our sources to TNI development. Notwithstanding that we have in plans implementing the feature we are not able to provide ETA for this.
  6. Hello, Currently, there is no option to do this. However, we are aware of the necessity of this, and we are planning to implement these features in the future.
  7. Hi Tony, Unfortunately I cannot advise you 😞 In this case, it is recommended to wait until the devs rebuild the Unix agent. This may take several months.
  8. Basically, for scanning you should have administrative privileges (for Linux: be in the sudoers list if the user is other than root). Otherwise, you can scan remote Unix devices with manual agent.
  9. Hello Tony. Currently, our team is developing Unix agent and this work will require a big amount of time. The agent will be rebuilt completely. Therefore, we hope that your issue will gone as soon as the agent is released.
  10. Unfortunately, we have not tested the program with such devices. Theoretically, this should be done via SSH, however we will try to explore this in the future.
  11. Hello. We admit that currently there are some issues with Unix devices scanning. Our team is re-building the Unix agent and this and other problems should be solved in the future updates. As for now, unfortunately there is no temporary solution to fix that quickly.
  12. Hello, You can observe this information in the Viewer&Reports tab in the Group Summary template and looking at Snapshot summary section. Otherwise, please go to the Table reports tab an create your own template with selecting Other information > Current user option, as it`s shown on a screenshot below.
  13. Hello, While synchronizing with AD TNI receives various data that is store in AD. Therefore, if you added additional information into the description field in AD this should be displayed in TNI as well as soon as synchronization is done. If you have several AD domains then we would recommend adding them as separate groups(OUs). For more information please visit this page here: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/user-manual/network-tree/synchronization-with-active-directory/
  14. Guten Tag, Versuchen Sie bitte, den Pfad folgendermaßen einzugeben: D$\Sample folder\Test folder
  15. Hi Gordon, Sorry for the delay. Generally, the scanned device must contain such information provided the asset is a Windows-based computer. To analyze the issue and investigate your problem we kindly ask you to send us several inv files of such devices that do not show you the necessary information. Send us the files to support@softinventive.com
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