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Everything posted by janet

  1. Hi, I can't scan any of the windows computers connected on our network. I created a new administrator user on their computers then enabled remote connection. This is what I did with OS X computers and it worked smoothly. Did I miss any setting? Thanks in advance Regards, Janet
  2. Hi, Can TNI 3 detect license keys? for MAC software e.g Office Mac Home & Business? Thanks. Janet
  3. Hi Alex, This solved my problem. Thanks 😄 😄 😄
  4. FYI I don't have any filter
  5. Hi, Before when I'm using the trial version i can view the mac software under software accounting. But now that I already purchased and register the key, it does not show any of the mac software under Software accounting tab. It only show windows software. But when I go thru the mac pc's individual software report it would show all the mac software installed. Hope you can solve my problem. Thanks in advance. Regards, Janet
  6. Still no luck, the -silent command has to be done everytime the agent scans. I want to automate the whole process using Automator or Applescript. From running the agent, answering confirmation question, attaching the .inv file then mail it. I've done 'watch me do' but when it's time to run the workflow it would stop at keyboard inputs then error can't execute. If you know how to do this, it would really help a lot. Thanks.
  7. Hi, Can you help out. Basically what I want is to run the agent (double click it) then the .inv file will be generated. No need to type in anything on the console. This is how my agent on windows works. I want it to be the same with mac. Is that possible?
  8. Hi Alex, I'm not familiar with that, can you cite an example how? And this is for mac right? Thanks, Janet
  9. Hi, Thanks for the previous help. I was able to setup the tniwinagent using Windows Task Scheduler. Now, I'm trying to do the same with tnimacagent. I'm hoping this is easier with the use of Automator. But I had difficulties because when I click on the agent it would open using Terminal and it would ask a y/n question. Automator would stop running at that. Is there a possibility to remove that? I want to run it then it would not ask for anything just generate the .inv file. Thanks in advance.
  10. Thanks Alex. Can you provide a link that can guide me to do this? * standalone agent to scan a computer weekly using Windows Tasks, and to save the scan results to a Dropbox folder
  11. Hi All, I need to deploy scanning agent on computers from different countries. So this is how I think it would work. I will mail the .exe file to them, they will run it and when the .inv file was generated. They will mail it back to me. But this is too much work, especially if we want to monitor the report every week and these people are busy, I cannot really rely on them doing this. So is there a way that we can automate this process? So that when I gave them the .exe file, the .inv file will automatically be mailed to me on a schedule. All I want is to have an inventory of all our assets. If you know any way or alternatives it would be very much appreciated. Thanks. Regards, Janet
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