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Quick Scan Error

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After we upgraded to the latest version (3.3.0 Build 2267), we are now getting a "Not enough storage is avialable to process this command." error (tons of these pop up errors) when trying to do a Quick Scan.

The scan basically errors out with very few items actually getting inventoried.  If I rescan some of the pcs/servers that error out, they scan just fine.

Thanks in advance

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Thanks for your message.

First, please verify that there's enough free disk space on the disk where the storage is located.

In addition, please check in Task Manager how much memory does the tni.exe process take.
If it's more than 1 GB, then try to enable the "Disable the RPC protocol for scanning of Windows computers" option in Options - Scanner and restart the program.

It's most likely that TNI switched to the RPC scanning method because scanning via SMB had failed for some reason. Please send us a screenshot of this SMB scan error to: support@softinventive.com
Thank you.

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