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  2. Hello, Currently, there is no option to do this. However, we are aware of the necessity of this, and we are planning to implement these features in the future.
  3. Greetings, is there a way to print the Network Map? Printing screenshots is a pain because the node description is too small, so even a Zoom-In/-Out would be nice to have. Best wishes.
  4. Earlier
  5. Hi Tony, Unfortunately I cannot advise you 😞 In this case, it is recommended to wait until the devs rebuild the Unix agent. This may take several months.
  6. Hi Dave, So i have done this , but i still get the same issues when trying to scan ? Can you advise ? Cheers
  7. Basically, for scanning you should have administrative privileges (for Linux: be in the sudoers list if the user is other than root). Otherwise, you can scan remote Unix devices with manual agent.
  8. Hello, So as it stands there is no other method to scan Linux devices without using the root account ? Cheers Tony
  9. Hello Tony. Currently, our team is developing Unix agent and this work will require a big amount of time. The agent will be rebuilt completely. Therefore, we hope that your issue will gone as soon as the agent is released.
  10. Hello, I am using TNI 6.2.0 and am experiencing issues when trying to scan Redhat Devices. I have set up a TNI user and added to the wheel group and also granted SSH access , however when i scan i receive the below error Scan Failed: SSH: bash -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"" If i change the account used in TNI to the root account , it scans without issues. However due to security policies , this is not viable. Has anyone else had these issues and been able to resolve ? Cheers Tony
  11. Unfortunately, we have not tested the program with such devices. Theoretically, this should be done via SSH, however we will try to explore this in the future.
  12. How to scan a juniper device in TNI? it basically fails on ssh...uname command not available. Perhaps it it trying to gather info using linux command instead. Any help?
  13. Gracias por tus comentarios. Se ha enviado una respuesta detallada al correo electrónico que utilizó. Hemos solicitado los resultados del registro avanzado junto con instrucciones para habilitarlo.
  14. Después de actualizar a ultima versión y meter la licencia, realizado el escaneo duplica los dispositivos , uno con los datos que teníamos de la antigua versión y otro con la ip y ningún dato adicional , adjunto captura de uno de los equipos que detecta y duplica, misma ip misma mac,etc
  15. Hello. We admit that currently there are some issues with Unix devices scanning. Our team is re-building the Unix agent and this and other problems should be solved in the future updates. As for now, unfortunately there is no temporary solution to fix that quickly.
  16. I am currently testing the application in order to acquire it really soon in the future and I have some question. - When I scan a Linux computer, the information displayed about the RAM or VRAM for the gpu, is in MB (ex: 32 MB instead of 32GB). Is there something that I can do to fix this issue? - Do you intend to provide an agent for a Linux system in the next year? Thank you very much :)
  17. Hello, You can observe this information in the Viewer&Reports tab in the Group Summary template and looking at Snapshot summary section. Otherwise, please go to the Table reports tab an create your own template with selecting Other information > Current user option, as it`s shown on a screenshot below.
  18. Is there a way to put the current logged on user on the table reports page? I see an option to make a custom template and I added current user but it is empty.
  19. Hello, While synchronizing with AD TNI receives various data that is store in AD. Therefore, if you added additional information into the description field in AD this should be displayed in TNI as well as soon as synchronization is done. If you have several AD domains then we would recommend adding them as separate groups(OUs). For more information please visit this page here: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/user-manual/network-tree/synchronization-with-active-directory/
  20. Good Day, Is it possible to pull data from AD, for example the computer account description field and map it to the asset properties description field? I believe we have added items to TNI manually. We have multiple AD domains. We would like to be able to added descriptions to AD but have this reflected in TNI and then be able to export or report on an asset and show the descirption. Is this possible. Regards
  21. Guten Tag, Versuchen Sie bitte, den Pfad folgendermaßen einzugeben: D$\Sample folder\Test folder
  22. Moin, wie gebe ich einen Pfad (Folder Path) in einem Sensor ein, um den freien Speicer der Festplatte C:\ zu überwachen? Beste Grüße, S.Dittloff
  23. Hi Gordon, Sorry for the delay. Generally, the scanned device must contain such information provided the asset is a Windows-based computer. To analyze the issue and investigate your problem we kindly ask you to send us several inv files of such devices that do not show you the necessary information. Send us the files to support@softinventive.com
  24. I have specified a DHCP range for scanning IP addresses. When I click on the devices and want to read the data under "viewer & reports", it only shows me "no data available for selected categories". And under "table reports" it shows me "None of the selected assets meet the report condition". What am I doing wrong, why is no information shown for manually scanned devices, but when I want to scan the domain it shows me everything. I can delete the devices scanned in the domain, but not the devices that I scan manually. I need help, thank you in advance!
  25. Hello. There are various methods that can be used for data transfer: SMB, FTP, SFTP etc. However, if you are going to use SMB then ports 139 and 445 must be opened. To get more information we would recommend visiting this page: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/user-manual/data-transfer/ In general, if you have several separate locations then the best way it will be to configure the resident agent and deploy then on remote devices. Then the agents will collect the data and send it to a shared resource. After that, configure the import task in your main TNI copy and import the scanning results from the resource. The main principle and how to configure the resident agent can be obtained through this article: https://docs.softinventive.com/tni/user-manual/scanning-using-agents/resident-agent-scan/
  26. We wanted to configure the TNI server so that the other TNI servers would transmit reports to one server. Through what port is data (reports) transmitted between servers?
  27. We haven`t faced such a situation. However, we can try to find a solution. Please write us at support@softinventive.com with a citation to this thread. We will send you a download link with the old TNI version that you try to install and test. If that works then a purchase discussion can be made further.
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